Dragon(Marvel Comics)

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An android created to fill in the void after a kind-hearted scientist lost his entire family, dragon man is a kind gentle soul who was exploited by several super villains to do acts of evil, generally harassing the Fantastic Four and She-Hulk. Despite this, dragon man got along well with the children who looked past his monstrous apperance and saw him for the sweet natural entity he truly was, as well as The Thing who respected him as a fellow monster and tended to let him be.

Classification: Dragon robot

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristic, inorganic physiology, large size(type 0), natural weaponry(Sometimes depicted with claws, and he has a powerful tail attack), fire manipulation(via breath attack), flight, genius intelligence, can ignore durability with his breath attack

Attack Potency: Large Planet level(Has fought the thing and Giant Man Hank Pym)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic

Lifting Strength: Class T

Striking Strength; Large Planet Class

Durability: Large Planet level(Withstood hits from an angry Namor)

Stamina: Quite high as he rarely shown to get tired even after long battles.

Range: Extended melee range due to sheer size, several meters via breath attack

Standard equipment: None

Intelligence: Originally Animalistic(Initially, Dragon man had the intelligence of a young dog, meaning he was often explored to do the dirty work of various evil-doers and was used as a body guard or muscle of sorts)Likely Extraordinary Genius after being reprogrammed(He became incredibly intelligent, well spoken and significantly inclined, occasionally using his breath attack or tail whips, though couldn't put much real thought into his fighting. After his reprogramming(He became incredibly intelligent, well spoken and scientifically inclined occasionally helped Reed Richards with his science)

Standard Tactics: Originally, dragon man was a brute who would often use primal attacks such as smashing and bashing his foes, occasionally using his breath attack or tail whips, though couldn't put much real thought into fighting. After his reprogramming into pacifism, Dragon man still retains some of his more brutish fighting style, but uses his breath attack much more frequently.

Weakness: Lacks any real fighting skill or technique which was especially bad in his pre programmed days. Was easily exploited. Currently a pacifist who only fights if his loved ones are in danger. 

Attack Potency: Large Planet level(Has consistently fought the Thing and Giant man Hank Pym)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic(A consistent match for the Thing)

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