Chapter 14

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The week before the final game, gets intense with the second. Coach Harrison has more sessions than the average week and he expects us to train like we're about to take down a country. Like troops in training, we spend most of the day in the field.

I miss most of the classes with Kara.

It's a good thing. I tell myself that it is for the good. We speak a lot over the phone - more than I would like at the moment. But each time her name is on my screen I can't help the goofy smile on my face and without a second thought, I answer it.

But I have to avoid her. It's only next Monday that the dare is supposed to end. Being around her brings unnecessary thoughts to my mind. It makes me vulnerable and for a moment makes me think that Kara is worth losing the dare. But I can't afford to lose!

The almost kiss dances in my mind. It is not something that stays in the background. It springs forth every time I see her. She hasn't mentioned anything about it ever since, but my mind is a fool. Every time I see her all I want to do is kiss her.

Don't be a fool, Brian!

Kara Merrick has made me a mess. A lost puppy trailing behind its owner. Is this the feeling that Dylan keeps telling about? The feeling that he wanted to escape.

But the problem is as much as I hate to admit, my heart loves that feeling. The feeling of Kara Merrick's eyes on me, her smile, her laugh, her everything.

I am in love with her. This is terrible. Wrong.

Every time my mind begins to think about it, I tell the tiny voice in my mind that everything is alright. Nothing bad is going to happen.

The day of the finals approaches before we know it. The air around the room is buzzing with the electricity of determination and excitement combined with anxiety. The bleachers are cramped with students from both schools.

This is it.

Following Dylan, the team rushes to the field, amid roars of cheering from the crowd. My body is pumped with excitement and determination.

Coach Harrison is on his feet, more enthusiastic than any other. The game is off to a rocky start with the opposing team being better than we expect.

But when the last quarter rolls around we have dragged it to a draw. I score a touchdown that silences the stands.

And with the last minutes ticking away on the clock, I could already feel victory.

Winning a final isn't something any of the students or the team is accustomed to. So when the final whistle blows and the board reads our victory, chaos erupts.

My mind shifts to a numb mood. For an hour, I don't process the fact that we won, despite Dylan and the team screaming that in my ear.

Everything is a buzz of color and loud cheers, chanting, and shouting. It fills the insides of my body with a strange energy.

The after-party is shifted to the lake because any house is not enough to accommodate the large number of students that show up.

Fairy lights are curled around trees to light the place up in the dark. Crates of beer are stacked beside a barbecue machine man held by Noah and Wayne.

Clusters of students are gathered around the place, talking to each other animatedly.

Dylan gets on top of a table, holding a beer and we gather around it.

"This," he says, "is a win for all of us!"

He waits for the cheers to die down and continues, "The team is now the state champions - the school is now the champions! This is our win! Thank you to every member of the team! This is all your dedication and hard work. Thank you to all the cheerleaders and the school band, for being behind us the whole time. And most importantly, thank you all for your unwavering support."

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