Kissing in the rain...... sort of

Start from the beginning

“What the hell?” She dropped her hand from his shoulder and Jake let go of me.

“He shouldn’t be touching you. You are mine. Understand?” I didn’t even get time to blink before her hand slapped against his face.

“How dare you! Nobody owns me, and certainly not you!” Jake looked taken aback at her outburst but said nothing when she turned and walked away, leaving just me and him.

“Smooth,” I said, picking up my backpack and looking him straight in the eye, “Have fun trying to win her back after that.” I walked off, following Renee to the cafeteria and leaving Jake slamming his fist into the wall.

God, this is going to be fun.

Jake’s POV

My fist collided with the pale wall and formed a deep dent. But it did little to calm my anger, just made it worse. About a mile away from the school, there was a forest. Not caring if anyone was watching, I sprinted at full speed towards the old iron fence that surrounded the school. I leapt over it with ease. Landing with a thud, I noticed a few people staring in shock at me. Most were yelling and pointing, but I was pretty sure no one had seen my face, not like I would mind anyway. In a matter of minutes I was surrounded by forest so I changed into my wolf. He was jet black and bigger than most because he contained alpha blood, which it also made me stronger. I ran for what seemed like hours until I entered familiar territory. Following my pack’s scent I made my way to the pack house with ease. It was pretty much empty because school wasn’t finished yet, but I had to talk with my father. His study was situated on the top floor, the biggest one. The door was shut but I didn’t bother to knock anyway. He was sitting behind his desk, looking over a bunch of folders pilled beside him.

“Father, do you have a minute.” He looked up at me confused.

“I thought school-”

“That’s not what I came here to talk about.” He didn’t say anything, so I continued. “You said when I find my mate I will know. Her name is Renee, and I’m 100% sure she is it.” He looked stunned then stood up.

“I didn’t know there were other packs at your school.” Here it comes…

“That’s the thing dad, she’s human.” His piercing eyes shot up and his hands dug into the desk.

“She cannot be human. Humans are not Luna material.”

“Grandmother was pretty much human.”

“And she’s dead now isn’t she? I don’t have time to play games, Jake. Rouges on the eastern border have secured a poison called Liptate. If inhaled, it can suspend any contact we have to our wolves, or even destroy it. They will attack soon enough; I do not have time for this.” He didn’t care. I had found the one, and he didn’t give a crap.

“Father! Listen to me, please. I have barely said anything to her and I know she is perfect. If I have to kill you to have us be together, than that is what I will do.”

“Are you threatening me?” My father and I had always had a sharp relationship, often snapping at each other like this.

“It seems so.”

“No Luna will ever survive being a human, and we need to be strong. I will not let the pack be destroyed just so you can live happily ever after. I forbid you to mark her, or else you will suffer the consequences. If we were a happy, human family, then maybe I would say otherwise, but we are a werewolf pack, and nothing you can do will change that. You are the future alpha and you will listen to me.”

“What if I don’t want to be the alpha? I never did and never will. I reject the place of alpha; dad and I don’t want it back.” My father stood up and stared at me in astonishment.

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