The truth can get you killed

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Hey guys just to let you know... I find it to hard writing in present tense so I'm changing to past tense. That's all so enjoy, comment and vote :)


Renee's POV

I poured the pasta into the pan and filled it with water. The heat was screwed up on the stove so I set it to max. I sprinkled cheese over the lasagne and placed it in the oven. I heard the door bang roughly shut as Greg walked slowly into the kitchen. The lasagne had finished cooking so I quickly spooned a lump onto a plate to give to Greg.

"Here's your dinner Greg," I tried to keep my face straight as I handed the plate to him, my hands shaking. He took it and set it down on the table, staring at a stain on the old tablecloth, not touching the food. I continued stirring the pasta to avoid eye contact with him; my hands were shaking with the knowledge that could change my life forever.

"H-h-how was work?" I mumbled with my face to the wall. I was starting to sound like my mother. Not that I had any idea what my mother sounded like but this is what they do in the movies. It pained me to think that my mother wasn't here to comfort me, probably because Greg stabbed her to death.

"It was ok." Anger overwhelmed me. I couldn't take it anymore; my hand reached out to grab the wine bottle on the counter, then I threw it at the wall. It shattered into a million pieces, the red wine staining the wall like blood. Tears were streaming down my face but I didn't stop there. I picked up the milk carton and threw it at the window. It wasn't enough to break it, but milk went spilling everywhere. This time I went for something heavier, hauling a toaster into the window. This was enough to break the window and whatever invisible force that was stopping Greg from screaming at me.

"What the hell Renee? What the hell are you doing?" He took a few steps back, colliding with a chair and sending it falling to the ground.

"I trusted you," I began through gritted teeth. "Don't think I'm stupid. I saw the letter. I know you weren't at work this afternoon. You were at the police station getting questioned for the death of my parents."

"Renee, I-no you don't understand." I picked up a knife and stabbed it into the counter top giving Greg a hell of a fright. A smirk appeared as I leant on the countertop,

"I don't understand? Ok then, explain to me exactly why you were questioned." My heartbeat increased as he walked over to the knife jammed in the counter, I thought he was going to stab me, but instead pulling it out and putting it back in the drawer. He turned to face me, a strange look on his face.

"Renee I went for questioning because I knew your mother. We went to school together and your father was fixing a computer that I lent him." He slowly began to walk away, picking up his lasagne and a fork on his way out.

"You're lying." The plate shattered to the ground and his hands turned into fists. He stayed facing the wall, as if he was cemented to the spot.

"Tell me you didn't kill my parents," My voice was calm and steady, but there was still no movement from Greg. "Tell me you didn't kill them!" I screamed this time and he slowly turned around. His hand reached for his pocket, pulling out a small black gun, aiming it at my head.

"That, my dear, would be lying."


Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn

I know its short but I couldn't think of anything else to write. Lots of action in the following chapters (hopefully)

Comment and vote xx <3

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