Guns, onions and hamburgers

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Renee’s POV

His finger sat tauntingly on the trigger while he stared at me directly in the eye. My left ear exploded into noise and at first I thought I had been shot, but soon after I was decorated with millions of glass shards, letting me know that the window right next to my head had been blown out. He laughed at my reaction and took a step closer, motioning for me to sit on the chair on the other side of the room. I hesitated at first, but quickly made my way over there when he fired a second bullet, this time at the wall.

“Ahhh Renee. Now, I advise that you listen to everything I’m about to say, or maybe I’ll be a bit more precise with my shooting next time.” I stayed frozen to the spot, worried that any movement will cause him to shoot me.

“If you tell a soul about me I will personally kill everyone in this entire town. Do you understand?” I stayed motionless. All the pieces were slowly fitting together in my mind.

“It all makes sense. You didn’t adopt me to be kind, you did it to hide the fact that my mother and father are now lying in graves rotting into nothing all because of you.” I stood up to make my height even with his; I can’t stand not being in control of a situation.

“Look who’s catching on.” A smile danced its way across his lips.

“You disgust me. All those years I thought I could trust you. It was all a lie.” I wanted to cry but it would make it worse if he saw me week and give him a higher advantage.

“It is only a matter of time before the police realise what a mistake they’ve made. I will be sent to jail on a life sentence and charged for a number of other crimes and murders I committed. I work for some very interesting people. These people are not very nice and will not appreciate what you’ve done to my reputation. They WILL come after you. They will make you work for them. It won’t be fun, I can tell you that much, and the pay isn’t wonderful either but it is the only thing stopping them from killing you, so I suggest you do everything they tell you.” The gun was still aimed at my head but all the cares in the world fell from my grasp as I crumpled to the ground. In all the movies, there’s usually someone to check if you’re OK, or to catch you if you fall, but all Greg did was laugh and walk away, leaving me alone on the hard wooden floor. It was only a matter of minutes before the blood left my head and I blacked out into a world of nothing.

Jakes POV

I was starving. The smell of hamburgers wafted through the kitchen as I entered the pack house. Sophie, my younger sister was facing the counter with her back to me. I decided that I would try to help, even though cooking has never been one of my strong points.

“Hey Sof, can I help you with anything?” She screamed and spilled the onion all over the floor.

“You idiot!” She yelled, crouching down to pick up the pieces.

“Hey, it’s not my fault you scare easily. Here, look, just pick as much of it up as you can and put it back in the bowl. No one will ever know.” She stared at me, a disgusted look on her pale face.

“You are truly disgusting Jake.” She stood up and walked away, leaving me with the job of cooking. I picked up the rest of the onion on the floor, and threw them back into the pan, probably including some hair and dirt. Thank god the table was set and everything else except for cooking the onions was done, or I don’t think anyone would have been eating dinner tonight. As I brought the sloppy onion mess to the table my head started to pound. I felt like I was being stabbed with a knife but there was also I deep sadness at the pit of my stomach. I had only had my first transformation a week ago, so it could be some side effects to that. I guess I’ll just ask dad about I later. Speaking of dad, he suddenly walked through the door wearing a business suit and a tie. But there was also a blonde girl walking in her high heels, making conversation with him as the made their way into the dining room.

“Jake. This is Sasha. She is the daughter of my good friend, Charlie.”

“So? Congratulations dad but I don’t need her. I don’t need any more of your fake dates. I found ‘her’ and I don’t want anyone else.” Sasha seemed taken aback by me calling her fake, but I could have said far worse.

“Then why isn’t she here? I want to meet her Jake, unless you’re lying and you still haven’t found her.”

“Dad, she’s not one of us. She’s human. But I know it’s her. I know it’s highly rare for-“

“It’s basically impossible Jake. There is no way that I will have the future Luna of the pack being a worthless human. I forbid you to see her again Jake, do not disobey me.” Sasha was standing awkwardly by my father’s side playing with her nail and biting her lip.

“Dad! You have obviously forgotten how it feels! Every moment I’m away from her I feel like I’m dying. I saw her for less than a minute and I can’t get her out of my head! What if mum had been a human? What would have happened then? Would you have let her go? Tell me dad, look me in the eye and say that you would have let her go.”  His face suddenly changed, everyone knew him and mum had been perfect for each other. She was just about the best Luna a pack could have, and my dad was always on top of the world. No one ever really talks about her now; she had given her life for my dad. The Shadows pack had invaded our territory, and my mother had fought for her husband’s life when he was attacked by their Alpha. She did managed to kill the Alpha, but soon after she also lost her life.

“Son, I know it will be difficult. But bonds have been broken before. It will work.”

“Don’t you understand dad, I don’t want it to work! I only want her dad, no one el-” I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the table. My body felt like it was on fire, but at the same time was filled with deep longing.

“Son stay awake, Sasha, get the pack doctor.” He was silent for a moment, probably talking through his mind link or something. Not that I cared, nothing mattered except the pain destroying my body.

2 hours later…

I found myself in white room, containing nothing but a doctor and my father.

“Dad-I-what happened?”

“Shhhh Jake. What just happened is called an Ansia. When your mate is hurt or in pain both your bodies end messages to each other. I helps both of you survive, but judging on your blood pressure, she is mentally hurt. Ansia is very common but because you are my son, it is much stronger than the other members of the pack. No matter what you say Jake, I still forbid you to see her. We will talk with the elders, and see if it will be possible to break the bond. You no longer have a say in this Jake.”

“Dad I-” My mind blanked out as the doctor injected something into my arm. In a matter of minutes, I was lying dead asleep on the soft, white pillow.

Renee’s POV

I woke up in the corner of a tiny room. I guessed it was the attic because it was filled with boxes but it could have been anywhere. I tried to move, but it had obviously been a long time that I’d spend cramped in this awkward position, so my legs didn’t want to move and my head was pounding like it was being hacked at with a hammer. Sitting up, I managed to get my bearings. It was a small room, filled with crap, some of it from years ago. I assumed that I was still in the house; I didn’t think Greg would go to too much trouble to hide me away. As I suspected, the latch on the door was secure so that ruined my chances of escaping. What did he mean by ‘they will make you work for them.’? I’m so confused, but first I need to find a way to get out of here. I stepped back to sit down when I felt a piece of paper beneath my foot. The light was horrible so I lay down close to the bottom on the door, using the light seeping in from outside to help me read it.

Apparently it is a legal requirement for children to attend school. If the police do look into my life, they can’t know that you haven’t ever been to one. In the box on your right, there is jacket, a shirt and some jeans. During the day I will get you a bag but until then you will have to do without. Congratulations, Renee Allen, you are now attending Brick Lane High School.

I scrunched the paper into the tight ball and threw it away. I’ve never been to school in my life. After changing into the clothes Greg had left me, I waited, watching the door not knowing what will happen. My eyes began to flutter but they were quickly reopened completely when the light beneath the door was blocked and the sound of a key in a latch was ringing through my ears.

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