First day of school

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This chapters pretty damn long but anyway... =)


“Get up off the ground Renee, were leaving in 15 minutes.” Greg sounded impatient, and I couldn’t help but notice the gun still like stone in his hand. I got up and walked to my room, filling my old tote bag with a pad and a pen. 10 minutes later, I was being pushed out the door by Greg and in the old truck driving to school. It had been a wreck at a dump, and I had spent my many free days working on it. As soon as I managed to get it to work, Greg had taken it and used it for his personal crap. Then a few months ago, Greg ‘borrowed’ someone’s expensive looking car, and he’s used that ever since. I don’t like to drive it because it gives people the impression I’m a rich snobby girl, when in fact, I am the complete opposite. If people are going to judge me on first impressions, then they might as well be right. I loved my truck with all my heart. It had me written all over it (literally in a few places) and allowed me to get free of Greg, along with going to Host beach. The ride was short but as I pulled into the parking lot I realised what a freak I’m going to be. There was car after car after expensive car lined up in the lot. There was a group of beautiful girls huddled around one giggling like idiots. Everybody outside had someone with them. Whether it was a boyfriend, girlfriend or best friend, they all had someone. I stepped out of the truck and immediately felt everyone’s eyes on me. Walking up the steps I was greeted with hundreds more dirty looks from other teenagers. I finally found my locker and with great difficulty I managed to open it.

“Hey there!" My bag clattered to the floor and I jumped in fight. “Holy crap, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you! My names Nicole, what’s yours?” She held her hand out to me but took it away when she realised I wasn’t going to shake it.


“Hey Renee! I’m in your year and I have most of my classes with you, so Miss Harry asked me to look after you.” She walked away expecting me to follow but I just stood and stared. There was a guy, looked about my age with dark hair and dark eyes. He was laughing with his friends but I couldn’t help but feel a strong pull towards him. Suddenly I was shoved against a metal surface, my head hitting the edge of my still open locker. The boy’s eyes immediately turned to me as if he had super hearing. I stared at him until I was slammed roughly against the locker for a second time and I dragged my eyes away to look inspect the lump on my head.

“You gonna’ move?” A tall guy wearing a beanie and a school jumper asked impatiently.

“Yeah. Sorry.” I quickly moved away as I noticed all of the guy’s friends laughing hysterically beside him. One of his friends decided to trip me up so I ended up sprawled on the hard ground with my books spread all over the floor.

“Are you ok?” The voice made me melt and as I turned around I noticed it was the same guy I was staring at before.

“Yea I’m fine.” I quickly stood up and brushed myself of, then began picking up the books. He lent down and brushed my arm. I suddenly felt like there was electricity pulsing through my veins. He must have noticed as well because he stood up awkwardly and handed me a small collection of my papers.

“I’ll see you around.” He gave me the boyish smirk that they all do and I literally felt my knee’s shake. But then he was gone, leaving me to continue picking up the rest of my books. I made my way to my first class. It was math. Considering that I had never been to school in my life, this should be fun.

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