Catch 22

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This chapter is dedicated to my biffle Shazza, for reading every chapter and just being an awesome person!

OK, so I know it has been like foreverrrr since i updates, but I couldnt thing of a good way to write this next part. I'm pretty proud of what i've done, but please vote, comment and enjoy! xx :)

p.s. i really dont like the chapter title for this so if you have any idea's then please comment!

p.p.s picture of their house on the right!


Jake’s POV

I froze at the man’s words, understanding dawning on me. My eyes shot down and connected with Renee’s, asking for help that wasn’t going to come. I surveyed my options: I could run straight down the stairs and out the door, but who knows what will happen to Renee. I couldn’t just leave her here with these poor excuses for men. My only other option was to run into one of the bedrooms and jump out a window. The problem was that this was the second floor, so unless I want to fall and die, that wasn’t a choice. Ok, so maybe I wouldn’t die but there would definitely be some damage to my beautiful face, and I couldn’t live with that. I looked down to see Renee gripping something through her shorts. She suddenly pulled out the black gun she had aimed at me earlier and pointed between the men.

“Richard, let him go or I swear to god I’ll pull the trigger on that oversized melon of yours.” She aimed the gun directly at Richards head, but all he did was laugh. She frowned and looked up at me with her piercing eyes. “Jake, get out of here. Now.” Her voice was unsteady and the sentence rattled around in my brain, thinking of a way to get both of us out of here. Changing into a werewolf would result in a whole lot of questions from Renee, not to mention the police. I stood up from my squatting position and began slowly walking down the stairs. Richard walked towards me, pulling a knife from his belt. Someone fired a trigger and for a moment I heard a gasp then someone fall to the ground. I immediately looked at Renee, and then let out a breath of air I didn’t know I was holding when I realised Richard was laying on the ground, holding his leg in agony. The other man looked astonished, and then stared at Renee.

“Good shot. Once the training is over you’ll be able to shoot wonderfully.” Training? I saw Renee tense, her eyes stared at the gun in her hand. In an instant the weapon was on the ground, her hands sagging at her sides.

“I’m no part of this training. I have no wish to harm anybody.”

“My dear, considering you just shot my companion in the foot, I would say he is beyond pissed at you right now. You have literally shot any chance of getting out of this. Training will begin tomorrow and you will attend or we will see to it that this,” he hesitated, “friend, of yours is dealt to.”

“Greg, leave him the hell alone.” She lent down to pick the gun back up but Greg quickly pushed it away with his foot. It hit the wall with a thud then silence filled the room. “Jake, I told you get out of here.”

“I’m not leaving you here.”

“Yes, you are. Get out. Now.” Richard stirred at sat up, glaring at Renee.

“Bitch.” He spat, but it caused no difference to her pale features. He managed to stand up by putting his weight on his other leg, hobbled over to Greg, whispering something in his ear. Greg walked towards me, a smile on his dirty face.

“It’s time you leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“I think you are.” He turned and walked over to Renee, pinning her against a wall.

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