Battered and burised

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Sorry it took so long but here it is...


Renee's POV

My body froze in shock.

“Jake? Please tell me there’s another Jake at this school.” She laughed and stared out the window.

“Nope Renee, it’s just him and I’m pretty damn sure you know who I’m talking about.” Her knowing stare caught me off guard and I stood up, ready to leave.

“I’m gonna’ go to class now, see ya.” I walked off and went through the big double doors that were closest to me. I could hear something in the distance, it sounded like arguing.

“Jake, baby, you know you don’t mean that.”

“Yeah Candy actually I do. Don’t try and get me back because it’s just not happening.” Jake walked around the corner and stopped when he saw me. His face was red but his green eyes still shone as bright as ever. I turned and walked in the other direction, desperately hoping to get away before Candy saw me. I managed to get away but ended up in a part of the school I had never been in before. The only doors were an emergency exit and the one I had just walked through. I could hear Candy’s whimpering so that cancelled out going back there. The other door was heavy and rusted but I managed to get it open. The cold, crisp air greeted me and I ran to my truck. Considering I was lost and found no use in my last two subjects, I drove off into the distance, and soon the school became a dot in the distance.

I turned right at the next intersection and around five minutes later, I reached my destination. The graveyard was pretty old, but to me it was the most beautiful place in the world. Near the middle left lay my mother and father. First I walked over to the rose garden and broke a few of my favourite flowers to put on their graves. As usual my eyes cast over the graves that surrounded my mother and father. To my mother’s left lay a man named Sam White and to my father’s left was a gravestone that was so old I couldn’t read the engraving on the cold rock.

“Mother. It was Greg. He killed you and all this time I didn’t realise.” I don’t cry in front of anyone. Never, especially around Greg but when I was talking to my parents, my walls break down and I cry for them. “I should have realised but I didn’t and for that I am sorry. There is a man talking about training me, but I don’t have much of an idea what for but I know it’s probably not good.” I placed a single rose on her grave then turned to look at my father. “I wish you could be here, with me to help me through everything. I-” A twig snapped behind me and I turned to see a pretty handsome guy smiling at me. He had messy blonde hair and blue eyes that surveyed me with interest.

“Sorry, I just came to see my grandfather. My names Blake.” He looked at me then down at the grave beside my mothers.

“Oh, my names Renee.” I wiped my eyes and stared at the ground, all the while feeling his burning gaze on me. “Do you go to Brick Lane School?” He looked confused but then walked over to his grandfather’s grave.

“I don’t go to school, never been in my whole life. You just moved here didn’t you?” His eyes stared blankly into the grave and his eyes filled with emptiness.

“No I just don’t go out much.” He laughed and stepped close to me.

“I’m sorry about your parents.” How did he know about them? Then I realised that the gravestone says they were murdered. His grandfather’s said the same.

“I sorry about your grandfather.” His eyes went blank again then bore deeply into mine. In a few quick strides we were less than an arm’s length away from each other. He lifted his hand up and lifted my jaw up so I was looking into his eyes.

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