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This story is currently being edited as well as finished..

First off I'd just like to thank you for taking the time to read my story and I'm open 2 CONSTRUCTIVE criticism but please keep any mean comments to yourself.

I will advertise stories and recommend my favorites so message me if you are interested. I am aware that I am burbling so I'll stop.

p.s. also plz comment and vote! <3



A black shape moved outside, adding darkness to the seemingly ever present night. His hand ran across the window, tracing the prominent lines of the chipped frame. Inside, a woman was lying on the couch watching a young child in a cot. Picking up a rock he stepped back and flung it at the window. It shattered and the woman inside shifted her gaze. Her eyes widened when she saw the man, smiling at her. Recognition flashed in her eyes and realizing her fate, she ran into the next room and hid under the bed, leaving the child alone. The man carefully stepped inside and slowly walked down the hall making his way to the end bedroom. Flinging open the door he looked around. The sound of heavy breathing filled the quiet room and his eyes came to rest on a blue sheet that was slowly being dragged down the mattress of the bed. Kneeling down he ran his knife along the sheet in such a way that it fell to the ground, landing in a pile. The woman screamed again and tried to get out from under the bed.

"Hello Sally"

"P-P-Please don't hurt me" She whimpered digging her fingernails into his leg. He put his hand over her mouth causing her to struggle against his hold.

"Haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?"

The woman tried to speak but was silenced over the man's hand.

"Tick Tok, your times run out. Thanks for playing." His knife speared into her heart and her muffled screams left the room. Her body fell limp onto the carpet and a dark red colour began to climb across it. He picked Sally up with the plan to throw her outside. After swinging the window open and tossing Sally's body into the yard, he looked around and noticed a couple staring blankly up at him. Cursing, he picked up his bloody knife and shoved it into his belt. 'This was NOT a good idea' He thought as he ran out the back door and jumped over the fence. 'People will know it's me, people know how much I hated what she did to me. Her husband to, but I dealt with him this morning. That bitch will regret ever rejecting me for him. I need to make everyone believe it wasn't me.' He triped over a log and fell to the ground. As he was standing up an idea began forming in his head. The man smiled, turned around, and ran back to the house.

14 years later...

Renee's POV

The moonlight slowly drifted down onto my dirty bed covers. I could hear Greg's loud snoring all the way down the hall. After trying to force myself back to sleep countless times, I gave up. The nightmares kept me awake. They fill my mind with fear, so I keep my eyes open every night, keeping them dormant at the back of my mind. Images were flashing in my head, a young girl with short black hair hugging her mother. Suddenly the sky turns black, and she's falling, down into nothing. I never know what happens when she hits the ground, but that doesn't matter. I know what the girl becomes. Me. Just a boring girl with no life and no parents. I should have died when I was meant to with my mother and father but now I'm stuck living in my own personal hell. My thoughts are the only thing I have to keep me company but sometimes I wish I didn't. I can't escape them. They're there wherever I go, whatever I do.

My feet landed softly on the cold wooden floor and I shivered. A beetle scurried across my foot so I crushed it with my big toe. Frowning, I rose up from the warmth of my bed, tied my hair in a ponytail and walked down the hall. The house seemed so simple at this time of night. With none of Greg's verbal abuse and forceful orders to bring down its walls, it almost seems peaceful. I swung my hand around to open the door, consequently knocking a photo frame off the wall and smashing it to the ground. I grudgingly kneeled down to pick up the pieces. Pushing them to the side I made my way to the front door. The floor creaked under my weight so I had to moved quickly. Greg isn't good at the best of times, let alone 2:00am in the morning.

Outside the air was cold and sharp, but it never failed to bring me a kind of happiness, as if it was just as happy that I'm escaping the clutches of Greg as I was, even though it was just for the night. He seemed desperate on not letting me go out anywhere and hates me meeting any new people, so I'm restricted to making friends with the insects, which most of the time include torturing them with sticks and iron nails. I once caught my arm on an old, rusted hook. We couldn't afford treatment so I pulled it out and the cut just sat there, festering. My hand traced the small scar on my left wrist, frowning as the memory filled my mind.

The street was lined with old deserted houses and rubbish. Only a few other people live around here, but all I have seen is their cars jolting by. The smell made me want to vomit and every drain in the area had flooded. Rats were scurrying up and down, making me wish I'd brought shoes, not that I have any that would stop the filthy rodents. The beach is just down the road so I'm going to head up the footpath, watching out for whatever lethal creatures fester in the gutters. The hard tar had just changed to gravel, and then sand. I wandered down the long expanse of Host beach with my feet ankle deep in water, the wind blowing my hair all over the place and sending shivers up my spine. There was never a soul in sight at this time of the morning so it was peaceful, solitary and desolate.

I could see a figure against the moonlight, standing on the sand dunes looking out into the ocean. It turned to look at me and our eyes meet. We both just stood there, locked in each others gaze. Then the figure ran of into the night and I couldn't help but feel sad as I watched his retreating figure. A voice in my head is telling me to follow it so I walk up the sand dune and looked out across the landscape. Greg would kill me if he found out but something about the man makes me want to follow it.

I'm not a normal girl, so I wouldn't have any friends even if Greg would allow it. I'm difficult, independent and stubborn. I keep to myself and avoid people as much as possible. I wasn't meant to be like this, when I was younger I used to play doctor with my cousin Lucy. I had Barbie dolls and teddy bears and short black hair that my mum used to put in pigtails with pink hair ties. I was supposed to be a normal teenager, dealing with friends, puberty and boys. That was what was going to happen until my parents were killed. Then everything changed. I'm 17 years old and have never had a boyfriend. Scrap that, I've never had a boy (space) friend. Not even a friend. I have long black hair with a fringe that almost covers my left eye. I can't afford make up but sometimes I steal Lucy's constant supply. My clothes are black but never anything flash, just cheap stuff I got from the convenience store down the road. In simple terms, I'm a freak. One of characters in movies that always has a happy ending, but God know there's nothing but despair and death in the end for me. The sun's starting to come up which means that Greg will be waking up soon. There was no chance that I was going to get back in time. FML.

Jake's POV

Standing of the edge of the sand dune, I could see everything. The sand was in between my toes and the wind cooling my extreme body temperature. 'Jake, get back here right now' As soon to be Alpha of the Midnight Pack I get blessed with everyone's thought's. 'Yes dad I'm coming' I blocked off the mind link, getting pissed at my father. He probably had another blonde bimbo for me to date which he seriously needs to let go. I will know when I find my mate; it's no use trying to force someone on me. He just desperate but it probably doesn't help that everyone else in the pack has found their mate and I haven't. Anger builds up in my body as I begin to turn. I lift my head to get one last look at the beach that one day will belong to me, when I see what I've been looking my whole life. It's her. The feeling is indescribable but I know now I'll never be alone. My pulse speeds up when her eyes lift to meet mine. She's staring at me intently and all I want to do is kiss her, but I'm beginning to change. I race off into the woods knowing in my heart, that I may never see her again.


Chapter #1  

I will be writing a separate story in which a few of the plots will b altered but i want 2 finish this version first xxx <3

Also I know it's short but this was just the prolog type of thing so they WILL get longer

Don't 4et 2 comment and vote!


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