36.Claiming Type

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Type: Tharn, I am going to office ....byeee...

Tharn opens his eyes...wait....why are you going so early...what happened...

Type: baby I have a meeting and need to prepare a report....love you byeee....

Tharn: oh, I am sure he didn't even have his breakfast....

Type: Mr. Leo I am glad that we are ready for the meeting...let's go and finish it ....

Leo: sir you skipped your breakfast and you didn't have anything.....I guess you should take a break....

Type: No Mr. Leo I called you for my help I can't waste your time....as I promised I will only take your half-day....and yes you go and take a break....you need this more than me...and meet me at the conference room....

Leo: But sir.....he tried to say something but he saw Type was really indulged in his work...

He texted Tharn about Type...

After sometime....

Type: ahh finally the meeting is over and we crack the deal..in the meeting room Type Mr. Leo and Lhong were there.....and Type started shouting at Lhong...

Type: You are such a useless creature...I asked to work on such a small thing but you ....you have made mistake in that too....do you even know how figures are important....thank god Mr. Leo is with us and he managed everything else we have lost this deal....shame on you....you are good for nothing....I am not asking you to do things for us but at least think about your dad and try to learn things....he has to leave his own company coz of your deed and you still the same....

Lhong had tears in his eyes...Type you know I don't understand these things....you always behave so rude....you insult me all the time...you never see how much I am trying...you can't see my hard work.....

Why can't you teach me like before ....I swear I will learn everything, I won't take a break like earlier, I will pay my attention to work ...please Type stop being so rude it hurt my heart.....

Type felt bad seeing Lhong like this he knows that he is a bit idiot but not that bad....but when type sees him he remembers what he has done...

Type didn't notice when Tharn entered the conference room and sit the opposite side of Type....

Type: Tharn when did you came....everyone looked at Tharn....

Tharn: just now when you were scolding him....

Type: hmm....you always come here silently .....why are you here... Oh, Lhong go back to your work and stop giving me this shit.....I asked you to call me sir.... don't you dare to call me by my name and Mr. Leo I guess you can also leave ....take a half-day as you also come here too early...

Tharn: Type you didn't...someone interrupted Tharn and he looked back at the voice he just heard...

Champ: Type...

Type: Champ...you are back from Rehab... Type tried to get up to hug Champ but...

Champ: baby I missed you...and he directly kissed Type on his lips...a smootch.....type got froze.....and he heard three-voice....what the fuck??? One is of Tharn, second Lhong, and third Mr. Leo....

And the moment type tried to push Champ he heard again two voice....how dare to kiss my Type....he looked at the direction of voices ...one is of Tharn and other is of Lhong.....he looked them both...but both are already looking at each other....

IN LOVE WITH MY SECRETARY 2 (Mpreg)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now