22. Tragedy

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Tharn: Type you are not coming to office with me??

Type: No, Tharn I have received a text from my old landlord that he got few mails of mine....I think that was delivered to my old address....

Tharn: oh so send any helper to collect that...

Type: Actually, I want to visit my room...I have lived there for a long time... I have lots of memories from that place...I want to show my baby where I used to live....

Tharn: okay baby....I will also come with you...

Type: Tharn you don't need to... I will just take my mails.... spend some time in my favorite spot and come back...I won't return to the office...I will remind you of all your scheduled meetings...

Tharn: No baby you have not taken leave for a long time ...take leave for the whole day and have fun....and take care of my baby....

Type: Hmm now you only care about your baby....

Tharn: I was talking about this baby....tharn pointed to type....

Type blushed ....tharn went to office and type to his old place....he called his landlord...

Type: Hello sir, I came here can you tell me where I can find my mails....

Landlord: Type ...it's in your room I kept it there...the room is vacant now...you will find the key inside the flower pot... placed near the door ..

Type: Thank you, sir....oh this building doesn't have a lift thank god ...room is on the second floor...his room is just next to the stairs...

Type entered his room and saw someone sitting ....hello who is this..?? Sorry, my landlord told me it's vacant and asked me to open it by key...I didn't know someone will be here...

Lhong: Hello Type....??

Type: what the hell are you doing here...type looked to Lhong and roll his eyes....oh it's your plan to call me here like this......you are still the same...cunning asshole...

Lhong: Type you are still the same smart and sexy...you got me so soon baby.....but just tell me do I have any other option than this...you don't receive my calls ...tharn has instructed his all employee they don't let me meet you...I am trying for the last 3 months...but he didn't let me come near you...do you even know that Tharn has hired a bodyguard for you....

Type: what?? I don't have any bodyguard....

Lhong: Coz Tharn is too smart...that bodyguard keeps distance with you...I can't believe that your bodyguard is following you for 1 and a half month and you don't even know...I know this coz I tried lots of time outside the office to meet you ....but that brat didn't let me go near you....

Type: I have a bodyguard?? Why I am not aware of...type try to think.... he doubted a person whom he saw few times around him....oh that person was nothing but my bodyguard.... that's why I see me regularly but I thought it was a coincidence....type was in thoughts when Lhong interrupted....

Lhong: Type you tell me what choice I had than this?

Type: that doesn't matter...I don't want to meet you...so just get the fuck out of my sight....

Lhong: Type I have made lots of efforts to meet you I can't do that....I asked your landlord that ....you are a bit upset with me and if I come here you will be happy....

And he is really a good man he knew how good friends we were...he saw me lots of time to visit your place ....so he agreed to help ...

Type: so you misguided him....you are nothing but a disgusting fucking coward liar....huh... it's your mistake if you think I will talk to you if you do such cheap tricks....

Type turned to leave....but Lhong was fast he gets in the way of the door...no Type I won't let you go...I did all of it just to talk to you and you can't deny me...

Type phone started ringing he saw Tharn's number is flashing ....he is about to receive the call when Lhong grabs his phone ....you will first listen to me type...he pull type with him inside the room....he put him on the bed....

Lhong: what is in that Tharn which I don't have....he married to you that's the only thing right....but type he doesn't love you...I love you Type....I am the one who loves you with all my heart...

Type: Lhong let me go ....and I think you forgot how you threaten me last time and rejected my baby....

Lhong: why you need this baby....I asked you to abort this child and be with me....

Type: Lhong mind your tongue....and speak what you have to...and let me go...

Lhong: Type sweetie....I want you to stay with Tharn he can give you everything....the position, money status, and his name to this child....but one thing which he can't give you is love and friendship which I can give you...you remember how good we were together...Lhong pushed type on the bed...I swear type I missed you so much...he put his hand in type's body ...look what you have done with your perfect body...this tummy doesn't suit you baby....but still I love you Type....

Type: Lhong you fucking bastard don't touch me...

Lhong: see baby you can't even fight in this state ....earlier if I dared this ...you beat the shit out of me but see now you can't even move yourself....this baby made you a week and a bit ugly.... ... don't try to move type else you will fall  .....so for your child please stop moving....and don't try to fight....

Type: Lhong you don't have any idea that Tharn will kill you if he finds out ...

Lhong: Type I just wanted to talk and you won't let me ...I didn't rape you earlier and now also I won't do anything without your consent....I know you love me that's why you are still carrying my child....please type tried to understand my dad is so strict....do you forget how he annoys me...that's why I can't accept you publically...but we can be friends again and privately I can me anything for you type...I can't forget that night type...you were really good...Lhong put a hand inside type trouser and forcefully put his finger in type's ass....you love it right....

Type: Aah type shout in pain.....Lhong let me go...please....type trying to get up but Lhong grabs him...he can only turn but if he tried to turn he will fall.....please let me go ....Tharn.....Tharn....type felt disgusted and he gathers all his strength and push Lhong and tried to get up but he fell....

Type shout with deep pain....aaaahhhhhh

Lhong: Shit type ....type are you okay...Lhong tried to help type...but type pushed him...get up and run outside and he opens the door and bumped into something he lost his control and fell from stairs.....

A bodyguard who is one floor down waiting for type saw type....sir....shit...he saw Lhong who follow type to help him.....

Lhong saw the bodyguard and run....bodyguard carry type go to his car...he called Tharn and take type to the hospital...

Author's Note

Tharn: I won't spare that bastard ....now I don't care about your champ or anyone in this whole world I will kill that bastard.....

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I hate my husband

I love you  My Doctor

In love With my Secretary

In love with my secretary 2

I Still Love You

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