Chapter 21

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I was walking towards the woods,my anger dying out slowly.I need something,anything to get my mind of all this.

I realize Leo was right,not that I'd tell him that.His big head will only get bigger.Maybe I could forgive,him but not now.I felt like a valcano about to irupt.

I put in my headphones an listen to "Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by Green Day.IT was really relateable for me at the mment.And I needed something to ease the pain

I climb this tree,once in awhile it sounded like someone was folllowing me.But,it was probably my paranoia acting up.

I scale the tree with ease as I sing along 

'I walk a lonely road-"I begin.But,then I heard it,it was simply a branch snap.But,someone was most certainly following me.

I look down and see none other than Nico Di Angelo."What are you doing?"I ask him.

"I'd ask you the same question."he replied."Fair,enough."I sigh,deciding not to be rude,just because Leo was an idiot.

"Can I join you?"he asked,looking up at me.His shaggy black hair falling into his eyes.I shrug,"Sure,if you want to."

Nico grinned and started climbing the tree.After 3 failed attempts,he finally gets to the top."Thanks for the help."Nico grumbled,as I silently chuckle."No problem."I fake smile.

He seems to notice."What's wrong?"he asks."Everything."I reply,I put my earbuds and continue to listen."Can I listen?"he asks,after awhile.

I nod,and give him one end.I ease,as I listen.But he tenses up.He looks at me then to the horizon.Then back again."Explain,why everything's wrong."Nico says gently.

He tugs my arm,but I don't reply.A tear escaps my left eye,and slowly makes its way down my cheek.

He notices and pulls me into a hug.Then Nico,does something I didn't expect.He lifts my chin up and kisses me.

Even stranger,I kiss back.He smells like vanialla and now he licks my lower lip.I give him entrance and start playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.

That's when he pulls apart.His eyes widen in realaztion at what he just did.I realize this was my first real kiss.

"That never happend okay?I don't like-like you.And you like-like me okay?That just happend at the heat of the moment."I nod and jump out and run.

I run from everything.Him and my emotions...mainly my emotions.

I hated this because,it meant something to me..but it didn't for him.Tears were now openly falling from eyes.

I hate my emotions because I'm confused.I hated these feelings I got while I was with or around him.

IMOst of all,I hate myself.Because,even after all of this...I still love him

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