Chapter 6

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Nico sighed.He looked frustrated.
I was freezing.The water is really cold,my clothes are now soaked and soon we'll have a dead body.

As I rose to the surface,to see a very worried looking,Nico Di Angelo.

I wonder why?Since,he is the reason why,I'm in the water in the first place.

"Not cool Di Angelo!"I yell as I trend water.

I grip the edge of our canoe.Nico's small,yet cute frown was now replaced with a huge grin.

"Okay,not cool.But, defiantly funny!"he said chuckling at himself.

"You think it's funny,to scare the living Hades out of someone like that?You think it's funny to use someone's fear against them?"I demand,my voice deadly quiet.

The smirk slowly vanished off his face."Y-your fear?I swear,I didn't know!"he replied shakily.

He offered a hand.

"Do you know how to swim?"I ask.

"Y-yeah,why does that-"before I can finish I pull him into the water.

As he rises to the surface,I feel a smile tug at my lips.

"What was that for?"Nico demanded.

"You know exactly what that was for."I reply matter-o-factly.

He sighs as we swim towards the shore.

"Anymore fears I should know of?"Nico asks.

"Um,let's see.Drowning,Heights,Spiders and Dolls."I tell him as we get on to dry land.

"Dolls?"he questioned."Well,someone didn't have a childhood."

"You have no idea.By the way,don't take my fears the wrong way.I'm NOT afraid of dying.I'm scared more of the pain,not being able to breathe.It terrifies me.Death,is honestly more welcoming then this torture we call earth.Pain,grief and betrayal.Death is the liberation of all that."I explain.

Nico stared at me,long enough for my cheeks to feel hotter.

"What?"I ask.

"It's one I know,other than the 7 ever thought that.Much less say it.But,you..."He said unsurely."You don't radiate death or anything so I know your not a child of the Underworld.Yet,you understand it so haven't experienced death have you?"

"Hades,no.I guess...I've experienced the grief of losing someone close really close to me.Or rather,depression.I guess I just understand everything better now.Which sort of makes me...wiser?I guess,I just feel death is not something to be feared.Because,it happens to all mortals.And I guess I have had my close calls.You know when death is so close to you and you just want the pain to end?...No?"I explain.

Nico's eyes widened and now he's almost chocking."Did say your-"he faltered.

"I was.Key word."I say with a shrug.

"I've had my fair share of dark thoughts...but that."Nico trailed off.

I shiver,remembering those thoughts.To this day,sometimes I think ...wouldn't it have been better if I had?

But,then you wouldn't have met Nico.

But,then I wouldn't have to deal with this heart break.

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