Bigger Decisions

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A/N: The events in this part take place before the previous part, however you needed to read that one first for it to make sense and that's why they are in this order. Additionally, Emily hasn't made her choice to go with Michelle or to stay at TNS yet.

Emily's POV:

"Hello, this is Emily Beaton speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hi, Em. It's Michelle."

Oh. "Hi, Michelle."

"Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you earlier. I've been so busy with setting up the tour and everything. Congratulations. A-troupe did amazing."


"How are the kids?"

"They're not taking it too well. You know, all the drama with Maria and their contracts being gone."

"Yeah, it's a shame."

"I've called them in for a 'rehearsal' tomorrow."

"Really, Emily? Already?"

"No, Michelle. Did you not hear the tone in my voice when I said rehearsal. Nick and I are going to throw a little surprise party for them. Even though there's no prize they still won and deserve a treat."

"Yeah. I'm actually in town, maybe I'll show up and surprise them."

"They would love that. Do you mind picking up the cake I bought-"


"Yes, really. I have a really tight work schedule."

"So... you're going to stay at the next step."

I paused. I still hadn't decided on what I was going to do.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Emily, I only have so long until I can't pitch this idea. I either need a yes or a no."

I drummed my fingers on the table. I wanted to go with Michelle but at the same time, I still felt as though I owed more to the next step. B-troupe was yet to go to Nationals and now wasn't the time to leave A-troupe.

"We'll talk about tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah." She sounded a bit annoyed. "Bye, Emily."


"Hey, Embo."

Oh gosh.

"Nick, what did we say about not calling me Embo in the workplace. In fact, not calling me Embo anywhere."

"Aw, come on Emily. You have your nicknames for me. I should have some for you."

I stared at him blankly. "Like what?"

"Oh, you know, like, how about you get me a tea or the boss who pays my wages."

"You know, talking about tea, did you hear The Next Steep are finally rebranding?"

"Really, to what?"

"Something like A latte love. Apparently, it's Parisian."

"Sounds good. So you can finally get your drinks yourself."

"Oh, no, no. You have to be useful for something." I patted him on the shoulder.

He leaned over onto the desk, scattering all my papers. "What are the plans?" He asked.

"For what?"

"For everything."

"Okay. As you know, tomorrow we'll treat A-troupe to a little party. Michelle said she'll even come over."

"Aw, that's nice. The kids will be happy to see her."

"Yes, I already established that. She'll also be bringing the cake."

"Okay, that's the party. What about the dancers?" I hesitated to answer. I still hadn't figured out what to do with the dancers.

"I haven't decided yet-"

"I actually found a little competition they-"

"No. After this, I refuse to trust anything other than Absolute Dance competitions."

"But, if B-troupe's going to Nationals, what are we going to do with A-troupe?"

"I will think about it. Don't worry Nick. I'll handle the dancers, you handle the electricity bills." I smiled at him before taking my laptop and leaving the office.

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