Opportunity Knocks

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Kenzie's POV:

We all stared at Emily tensely as she withheld her information. With the amount of changes A-troupe had gone through in the past month, I wasn't sure we would be able to handle another one. 

"Seeing as Richelle's absence has caused quite some stress for us, Michelle and I have decided to change some of the casting." I could feel an itch down my back. Could she just say what she wanted to say?

"Obviously, we'll need to have a quick talk with Richelle but, regardless, we think this is what is best and fair." I could feel Lily's leg bounce against mine. This felt like it was going to be good news but at the same time this could also be horrible news in disguise. 

"We think that Kenzie should take Richelle's spots in the group dances." I felt my stomach drop. Did she say my name? There was a small round of applause and the few pats I felt on my back told me that they were talking about me. 

"...Thank you... thank you," I stuttered. This felt like a whole dream. 

"Well, we really think you have been working hard and Emily and I have really seen an improvement." I could no longer contain my excitement. I was smiling from ear to ear and I felt like an idiot, a happy idiot, but an idiot none the less. 

"Well, congratulations Kenzie. You've got some big shoes to fill so let's get to work." Emily gestured for us to all get up. We did so obediently. I took my new spot at the front row in between Kingston and Amy. It felt strange. Like I was stood naked in front of a massive crowd. Hopefully, I would get used to it. People like Richelle were used to it and I would have to work even harder to get to her level. 

Michelle began to instruct us. "Let's start with some of the main changes..."

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