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Heath's POV: 

It was hard to not laugh out loud when Michelle announced the groups. Oswald and I with Jones. Plus, Kenzie and the other dancers of course. This must have been some sort of torture chamber for him. 

"I'll lead this rehearsal," I said. 

"No," Oswald stepped in front of me. "I'll lead." I rolled my eyes. Did this guy always have to provoke me? 

I was about to cut in when Kenzie did herself. "I don't trust either of you, so I think I'll lead this one." I looked at Oswald who seemed resigned. We may at least leave it to her. 

She stepped forward and began to take the dancers through the choreo. I followed along. 

"Jone's you really want to get that move a little sharper," Ozzy suggested. 

I was expecting some sort of fight, in fact, I was pretty mad I never got to see that dance battle that happened in The Next Steep. 

Instead, Jones said, "Thanks." He repeated the move as though to perfect it. What world was this? 

Irritated, Kenzie carried on marking the dance. 

"Oh," Ozzy cut in. "You really want to work on your spotting. It will make those turns neater." 

Everyone paused. 

"Was that directed at me?" Jones asked. 

"Yes," Ozzy said, demonstrating neat turns

"How would you be able to see his turns if you were turning?" You could tell Kenzie was starting to get annoyed. 

Jones held a hand out, pausing the argument before it could start. 

"Ozzy, look, I don't want there to be any tension between us. I'm sorry for..." He paused. Everyone was waiting for him to finish. "What was it I even did?" 

"You were a jerk," Ozzy helped him. 

"I disagree, but if it makes you happy, I'm sorry for being a jerk. Do you forgive me?" Ozzy stared at Jones for a while, not saying anything. 

"Fine," he finally said, but that didn't end this discussion. Kenzie nudged him in the side. 


"Would you like to apologise?" 

"No, I did nothing. Dancers let's continue."He walked to the front of the studio and began to do the dance. Jones didn't seem bothered. 

I on the other hand was very much bothered. All of that potential drama and nothing even came from it. Wasted potential.

We ran through the dance a couple of times with music. By then we were exhausted. 

"Okay, guys let's take a short break and then we'll come back." Everyone nodded and all left. 

Sorry if these parts have been kind of slow and boring. They'll start to pick up eventually.

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