Hit the Road

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Richelle's POV: 

"Blondie! I missed you!" I turned around at the sound of a familiar voice. 

"Hi, Jones." I couldn't help but smile and, although I didn't want t admit it, I did kind of miss him. To be fair, I missed all of A-troupe. 

"All this time and you still haven't come up with a nickname for me," he joked. 

My face screwed up in thought, but I had nothing. "Well, I've been busy with rehearsal." 

"Nationals is today?" He asked. 

"No, Jones. I just showed up at six a.m. in my uniform because felt like it." I was meant to sound sarcastic but then I realized that that actually sounded like something I would do. 

"You could have fooled me." A smile pierced through. 

There was a little moment of silence before he asked, "Is the jacket new?" I looked down at my blue A-troupe jacket. I saw there was no point in getting a new one seeing I would only wear it one more time for nationals. I got a new jacket every dance season so this was probably my fourth one and I had only worn this one for a couple of months.

"No, waiting to get my S-troupe one." More like desperate to get my S-troupe one. Those jackets were gorgeous and I couldn't wait to get one. Meanwhile, I watched everyone on S-troupe prance around in their matte black jackets. Everyone was wearing their new coats, B-troupe now in A-troupe and J-troupe now in B-troupe, but I didn't see anything special in my old blue jacket, the one I had been stuck with for years. 

"So..." My mind scrambled for something to say. "How's A, I mean S, troupe?" I still hadn't gotten used to the name changes. I've been at TNS for so long, it would take some time for me to get used to the new fourth troupe.

"We're alright but have you not heard what happened to Kenzie?" I shook my head. I had heard a lot of good things had happened to Kenzie but Jones asked as though it was something bad. 

"Her doctor advised her to rest for a week." 

"How come? Is she okay?" I could feel my voice raise in pitch

"She fainted while we were doing a shoot for the tour. Nothing too serious. She should be okay soon." I was relieved to here that. Kenzie was strong. She would be alright. Although, it did remind me of the time when Michelle had fainted at my first regionals competition and where had that gotten us. I tried to shove the memory out of my head. The last thing I needed to think about, the morning of a competition, was losing. 

"That's a shame. Hope she gets better." Jones nodded in agreement. There was a moment of silence that felt like it could've have lasted a life time. It felt like his eyes were piercing into mine. I tried to not let it get to me but-

The trance was broken by a few voices. Presumably belonging to B-troupe. Jones whipped his head around as Cleo and Jude walked in with Pete and Izzy behind them. 

"Hey, guys!" We said in coincidental unison. They greeted us back. 

"I should probably go now." Jones gestured towards the door. 

"Yeah, of course. Do you have rehearsals today?" I asked. 

"Nah, today's S-troupe's day off." 

I raised a brow. "Then why did you come here so early?" I was aware that, like most of us, Jones didn't live comfortably close to the studio. 

"To see you, Blondie." He winked at me before exiting through the back door. I could feel my cheeks get hotter. I ducked my head to hide my blush but the few B-troupers had already broken out in a chorus of "oohs". 

"Will you guys do something productive instead of involving yourselves in other people's businesses?" 

"Yes, Miss Richelle," they joked. It was now a running joke for them to call me that and it had grown on me, eventually. 

A few more A-troupers came in, including Maya, Presley, Winnie and Grace.

"Is this everyone?" Izzy asked. 

"No," I said, knowing someone was missing but not sure who it was exactly. I scanned the room. "We're waiting on Ethan and Marcus." As if by magic, two voices entered the room.

"Are you guys ready for Nationals?" Ethan and Marcus yelled as they rolled their suitcases into Studio 1. A new wave of energy was released into the room. Everyone cheered in response. I knew I was ready for this. 

Showtime: S7 Ending And S8 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now