I've put myself in this corner

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A/N: Every part will be named after a song, song lyric or a phrase from or associated with the next step that has something to do with the character or reflects the things that happen in the part. Just because a part is named after an episode title, doesn't mean that I will be writing the events of that episode. Majority of the time a song reflects the plot. That doesn't mean it will be danced to in the part.Just take the titles at face value.

Richelle POV:

 I had never danced so hard in my life. I took in another gasp for air placing my hand on my chest. My heartbeat was ten times faster than the steps in my dance. I walked over to the host, Tink. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. Once again, I felt embarrassed about the fact that she would have to feel my sweaty back, but she must be used to it by now.

I gazed around the studio in gratitude as the applause started to die down. None of that came from A-troupe. I didn't blame them. It would all be worth it, I told myself. Maria cleared her throat. She didn't look too happy. I had given it one hundred. What else was I meant to do? Everyone I knew was watching and if I didn't win this, it would all be for nothing. But she was the head judge. Would she still vouch for me if I didn't follow her instructions?

She leaned towards her mic. A wide grin spread across her face. I felt relief wash all over me.

"Wow! That was a performance to die for!" The audience exploded into another cheer in agreement. I took a bow of gratitude. My messy hair falling in my face. I quickly brushed it away ready to listen to the rest of her comments. 


The judges' comments left me pleased. I knew I had a good chance of winning this. 

"Judges, we're ready for your scores." 

"100!" Maria held up her card. The first 100 of the series. I felt myself bounce on the balls of my feet. I probably looked like a child. Gosh. I could see the other contestants reluctantly clapping to my left. I turned to see them, accidentally making eye contact with Ozzy. Quickly, I turned back to the judges. My smile dropped a little.

"99!" Ryan held up his card. A mix of boos and cheers. It was still a good score. I could still get a total of 100, depending on what Frederico would give. 

J-Cruise had 98 points. I quickly did the maths in my head. A 99 from Frederico would be enough for me to gain 99 points. Just enough to beat J-cruise. But would it be enough to beat A-troupe?

I held my breath to receive my final score.

"100!" I nearly fainted from shock. I had been binging Dancemania ever since I first heard A-troupe talk about it and  Federico had only given a perfect score every few seasons. This alone was an achievement. I turned around to face the massive screen. With a bit of rounding my total added up to a 99. I clapped my hands around my face. My cheeks were hot, but all my blushing was hidden from my tan and make up.

"Well, that leaves Richelle with a score of 99. She now takes a seat as the leading contestant. Will her former teammates from The Next Step be able to beat that? We'll find out after the break."

The cameras went off and the applause went silent. I headed over to the contestants' area where no one was looking too happy.

"Congratulations, Richelle." I looked up to find the message came from Jones. 

"Thanks," I said, surprised to see that he was taking it so well. 

"Remember me when you're famous." He winked at me. I laughed politely at the joke seeing as he and his team had been so nice to me the entire weekend. 

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