Chapter 9 - Annoyance

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It was calm and and quiet.

Or, at least so I thought, before I discovered that the sound that had woken me up. It was my mates' snoring, which was right next to my ear, since he had insisted on smelling my neck and hair all night. It wasn't bad or uncomfortable, the exact oppasite, actually, but it was just so... different from anything that I had done before.

I had never cuddled with somebody else, except for Mica of course, and I had never done anything more romantic that getting a kiss on the lips in sixth grade by a boy who later told all of his friends, that sneaky jerk.

My thoughts began to twirl in my head again and I wondered when my firt time would be. I kind of hoped that it wouldn't be later that everyone else's, but I guess that such thoughts scared every teenager. Although, now that I have found my mate, I suppose that the waiting won't be that long. That thought made a rose-red colour rise on my face and I turned around so that I could push my head into the pillow.

"Hello, beautiful." I heard Erik's voice from beside me.

I turned my head up a little and there was the sun. Not litterally, Erik's head had not turned into the sun, no, but he was so alarmingly and endlessly beautiful. His eyes were thin lines as he peered at me, but I could still see the warm brown in his shimmering orbs. He was like the most perfect person to ever exist. His lips were turned slightly upwards at the ends when he looked at me, which made me blush again. 

I tried to get out of his stone hard grip around my waist, but he held me harder and whined lowly when I moved around.

"Don't go, I just woke up, won't you keep me warm?"

I looked at him and he looked so tired and sincere that I decided that I wouldn't hurt to lay here with him for a bit, so I moved into his arms again. It was so nice and so, so comfortable after a while, that I felt I could stay there forever and after a while I fell asleep again.


"Boys? Boys?!" 

Mom was calling for us to wake up from the doorway, which me and Erik did at her raised voice. I even flinched a bit when she cut the silence in the room, but surprisingly Erik didn't react much.

"It's alright Mrs Eler, we're awake." Erik responded to her calls.

I looked up to see that he was clearly awake, holding me in an embrace. My nose had been at the bottom of his neck as I slept, but got cold now that I put some space between us.

"You were awake?" I asked him quietly.

"Only for a while."

"Hey should we get up?" I asked him, although I really didn't want to.

"I think we have to, or else your mom will come in here with pot lids and start banging them together soon. But that's pretty reasonable though, the clock is twelve after all."

I bounced up to a sitting position with wide eyes looking at him.

"Twelve?! I never sleep this long, half the day has already passed."

He just laughed at me and pointed an finger at my head. 

"What? What is it?" He just kept on laughing, so I got of the bed and went to the mirror in the corner of my room. I immediately felt the pull that I had to touch him, but I had too check myself in the mirror first.

My hair stood up in a crazy mess on my head, basically looking like a bird nest. My face formed a frown as I tried to correct it, but failing completely. My hair was a bit like that, one day it could be the most perfect style and every hair lay perfectly on my head and the day after it would be a mess that no one could fix regardless of how much hair products they put in it.

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