Chapter 6 - Unraveling

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At three pm tha day after I was so to go out and meet Mike. It was just 15 minutes until we ended and I was hurrying to do the last part of my math worksheet so that I wouldn't have to do them late tonight. I thought math was pretty easy, but i suppose I'm a bit of a  nerd. I was writing away until the bell rang and then I got up and left my paper on the teachers desk. My feet were light as I walked to the parkinglot until I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey, where are you going?" It was Mica who asked and I turned around to answer her.

"I told you this morning, I'm going to the mall with Mike and Jeremy and Erik." We were at the end of the parikinglot now and I saw the car with Erik and Jeremy in the driver- and passagerseats. Jeremy was lookign at me and looked annoyed because I took so long time to talk to Mica and didn't come there. Erik was probably looking at his phone and didn't see me.

"Oh, I was thinking that we could go home to me and do homework, but nevermind, you go hang out with your baby." She added a wink at me and I rolled my eyes and a blush crept on my face.

"Shut up", I mumbled at her and just as I did Jeremy, as the annoying idiot he is, decided to honk the horn and managed to put all of the attention of the people on the parkinglot on me. Fuck him.

I partially ran to the car to get out of sight of everyone and on the way I saw Jeremy and Erik arguing over someting in the front seat. I wonder how they could have started a fight on just a few seconds, because when I looked at them a moment ago they weren't fighting.

When I was over by the car I opened the backdoor and got in. 

"Why didn't you tell me that he was com-"

"Hi." I accidentally interrupted Erik when I got in the car. Apparently the argument ended when I said hi, because now Jeremy and Erik didn't say anything to each other and Jeremy pulled out of the parkinglot. I just shrugged and looked over at Mike who sat on the other side of the backseat. I tried to come up with something to say to him, but it was hard and I grew self-consious very fast. I fidgeted with my hands in my sleeves and tried to think of anything.

"Hey, Mike, are you done with that math work sheet that we have 'til next week?" I cringed at my own attepts to start a conversation, but at least I had said something.

"Uh, the one about quadratic equations? No, haven't started."

"Oh, really? I'm not done either, haha." How the hell am I so bad at making basic dialogue? I lied to him about the math thing, I never had any math over that I hadn't already done. Like I said, I'm a nerd.

"Oh, cool." Mike looked down at his phone and I supposed that the short word exchange was over.

Soon the car stopped and everyone got out. Mike proposed that we would go to the game hall and everyone was in on teh idea. As we walked Erik hung back a bit and Jeremy walked with him, which was good for me, since Mike and I got to have some privacy. I didn't come up with something to say but was just happy to be in Mike's presence. 

There was a lot of people in the game hall when we arrived and Mike and Jeremy immediately teamed up on a game. I looked back to see if Erik wanted to play something with me, but he had already turned around and stood by himself at one of the arcade games. Judging of his back he seemed tense and didn't really enjoy the game that he played. I shrugged and walked around in the arcade hall for a bit before I chose to play one of the games that weren't occupied. 

The game was a bit like Tetris, which I was the best at, so it wasn't too hard and got boring after a while. Some twelve year olds were standing and watching as I beat the score on the machine. I was litterally the best at fucking Tetris.

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