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The only thing you knew about your date with Jungkook was that it was outside and to dress comfy. That didn't tell you shit. Casual comfy, dressy comfy; why can't men just give you better directions than 'dress comfy'. 

With a sigh, you pull out a light, long sleeve baby blue sweater that fell off one shoulder, a ripped pair of jeans, and your comfiest black boots with a heel. You could dress comfy and still make him wanna drool. You let your hair dry naturally so it had a slight wave to it and went minimal on the makeup.

You had a horrible need to be ready and arrive at places early, so you had been chillin on the couch watching tv when he knocked on your door. Turns out you weren't the only one who could make people drool. Jungkook could rock a t-shirt and jeans. As normal he wore his boots, but it was the leather jacket that made you want to jump him. That feeling went away however when he held out the beautiful bouquet of peonies. 

"I remember you saying they were your favorite."

"Yes, they are. Thank you." You wanted to bury your head in them and inhale but you also wanted to seem calm and composed. Putting them in a vase before you leave, you tell yourself that you'll breathe them in all you want when you get home later. Grabbing your jacket and purse you turn to Jungkook and give him a huge smile. "Ready?"

Stepping out of your door you pause. His truck is MASSIVE and you are super short. Even your own niece is almost as tall as you are. This is gonna suck.  But Jungkook being the ultimate gentleman he's always seemed, helps you up and makes sure you're settled before walking around and sliding in beside you.

"So where are you taking me Kookie?"

"It's a surprise Noona. But I really hope you like it." 

What is it about a man's forearm that is so incredibly sexy? The way Jungkook had his hand draped over the steering wheel, his shirt sleeves rolled up, it was all I could do not to drool all over his truck. I was staring so intensely that I completely missed what way we were going, so I was shocked when he pulled up to what looked like an abandoned factory.

"Plan on killing me Kook? I think Yoongi would be pretty pissed at you if you did that."

"Noona! Wha-I would--" 

My laughter cut off his shocked tirade. "Your face is priceless Kook. I know you wouldn't but you had to admit, bringing me to an abandoned place for a first date, doesn't exactly scream safety."

"It's not abandoned Noona. Just trust me ok. Shit, I should have asked if you could run in those boots before we left."

"Oh trust me Kookie, I could probably outrun you while wearing these."

He shot me a grin, grabbing my hand and sliding me towards him and out his side of the truck before locking it up and sticking his keys in his pocket. Walking hand in hand he led me to a side door, walking in to find a counter and a bunch of vests, guns, and helmets.

"Laser tag! You brought me to laser tag for a first date!? I'm impressed. Most guys would think of something girly and cute like a carnival or something so they could win me stuffed animals. Instead, you bring me here. I hope you know I'm not going to take it easy on you."

"I don't expect you to. I want you to bring your all. But maybe we should make a little wager, what do you say?"

Looking up at him, I consider how many different ways a wager could go. Depending on the bet, it could be absolutely amazing - no matter who won, or it could go horribly wrong. 

"Deal. If I win you have to grant me a wish."

"Hmm, ok deal. If I win, you have to sing with me on my next ballad."

"No. Nononono. Kook, I sound horrible. You seriously don't want that for your next song I promise."

"I happen to know that's bullshit Noona. Yoongi has told me all about hearing you singing while you're doing work in the office. He says your voice is amazing, and if anyone would know it would be a producer. So, do we have a deal?"

"Koooook, are you sure you don't want anything else." I couldn't help but whine. I had no confidence in my voice at all and I really didn't want to ruin what could be a beautiful song with my voice. 

"Nope, this is what I want Noona. Are you in?"

"Fine. But like I said earlier. Don't expect me to take it easy on you. Especially since this is what you want."

And I didn't. I went all out. Running, hiding, using the other players as shields when he came too close. In the end, it didn't matter. We both ended up killing 4 other players and tied. 

"Well, that was unexpected. We didn't plan for a tie, now what?" Pulling the helmet off, I shook out my hair, feeling the dampness underneath from playing so hard.

"Well, how bad do you want your wish. We could call it a wash and neither of us get what we want, or we can both get it. It all depends on you." He handed our equipment back to the worker behind the desk and we made our way back out to his truck. Pressing me back against it, he locked his arms on either side of me, keeping me in place without pressing himself against me. "So how bad do you want your wish? What is your wish anyway?"

"Haven't decided what I want yet, but I do know it will be good. So fine. I guess if Yoongi has that much faith in me, I'll sing with you."

"Really!? Omg yes! Thank you!" Wrapping me up in his arms, he twirled me around, proving just how happy he was with my answer.

"Lol, ok Kook. Put me down before I throw up all over you."

I have never seen that boy move so quickly. Before I could draw my next breath my feet were back on the ground and he was three steps away from me. 

"Ok well. Let me know when you decide what you want your wish to be, and like the awesome genie I am, I will grant it." Grabbing my hand up in his, he placed a kiss on my palm before unlocking the truck and helping me inside."

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