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This is how it went for months. I left comments on almost all his Insta posts, or well, comments on all the JinHit posts because let's face it, JinHit rocks. The glee and shock I felt whenever he would tag me in a comment on one of his posts, or even left a comment on one of mine never failed to change. Jungkook was a huge star and the fact that he noticed and took the time to comment made him even cooler. It was like he didn't let the fame get to him, he still really appreciated every person who left a (good) comment on his insta. It was frigging awesome. 

The next day started like any other. Got up, got ready for work, and left my house with enough time to swing through the local coffee shop for a Blueberry tea with banana bubbles. Boba tea is my weakness, I can't help it. I had Jungkooks cd playing in my car and was jamming along, fingers tapping on my steering wheel to the beat of the music while waiting at a red light. The light turned green and I let off the brake so I could continue my drive when I felt a sudden jolt then nothing. Absolutely nothing. 

Floating in blackness, feeling weightless. No sights. No sounds. Just the floaty, painless dark. 


Sounds permeated the quiet. An annoying incessant beeping. Ugh what is that smell? I don't remember using bleach the last time I cleaned the house. 

Hushed whispers, voices that sound familiar but I can't quite figure out who they belong to.

I tried valiantly to open my eyes but it was so bright in the room and the light was so painful. I finally managed to squint one eye open and look around.  Ok well, I'm definitely not home. My room is way more colorful and not just white. God what is that smell and can someone shut that beeping noise up. 

Looking around I see people sitting on the uncomfortable looking couch in the room, talking quietly to each other. The girl has long waist-length black hair with beautiful curls at the end, her childish grin aimed up at who I assume to be her mom. The older woman has straight light brown hair in a chic long bob, listening to the little girl with a small smile on her face, yet from the looks of it, she took whatever the child was saying very seriously. Whoever she is, she looks like a nice mom. 

I must have made some sort of noise because they instantly stop talking and whip their heads around to face me. The little girls eyes light up, growing rounder and bigger the longer she looks at me and the older lady has a look of relief on her face now. 

"You're awake. Finally. Are you in pain, do you want me to get the doctor?" 

There's both relief and concern in her voice and I can't help but stare at her a second before her name finally comes to the surface. "Angie?"

"Well duh, were you expecting Santa?"

"What happened, and why am I in the.. am I in the hospital?"

"Yeaaaah, we're going to call the nurse in here ok?" Pressing the nurse's call button she sits in the chair beside the bed and pulls her daughter onto her lap. Jessamine.. or Jessa, that's her name. My niece. Why is everything so hard to remember?

A nurse comes in shortly after, pulling a stupid light pen out of her smock pocket and checking my eyes. She checks the machines and notes down all the numbers they are showing on my chart before looking at me with a smile. "It's nice to finally see you awake. You've given your sister more than a few scares the last two months. Now I'm going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer them. Take your time, we're in no rush ok sweetie."

"Um.. ok yeah." Two months. I've been here for two months?! What the hell.

"Ok. So do you know where you are?"

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