Start from the beginning

The poisoner can't resist smiling as Ebony bites gently down on her neck and then she kisses up to Andrea's mouth and they kiss so slowly but with so much control and aggression as Andrea dominates it all. 

Eventually Andrea pulls away, the lust in her eyes vanishing as a scowl settles into her face and reality returns. 

"This isn't fantasy, this a serious concern, if I ever got implicated who would protect Carina, "Andrea seethes, beginning to paint her cosmetics on yet again, "I cannot deny that I have a taste for self-preservation but that doesn't mean I killed my husband, nor was I unfaithful in our years of marriage." 

Some of that statement may not be true but Ebony does not know that. But the best lies are mixed with truth. Andrea knows that well enough from years of practice. Most things she says is a carefully woven story mixed with truth and deceit. 

"You have this all figured out don't you," Ebony says, chuckling though there is no joy in the sound and it does not lift the tension in any way"you must stop being so paranoid and anyway, she has no evidence, if she hasn't got any after over a decade then you have nothing to worry about."

But she has power, Andrea thinks and with power, evidence is not needed. And Pele is the Head of the Black Council, appointed by her queen and loved amongst her own people and the majority of the island. The people's trust and faith in her is what distinguishes between power and true power. Pele has earned it and has not just been given that title in name only.

Andrea knows she must be careful, with Vivianne and Pele being such close allies it makes her feel on edge. Especially since Vivianne still blames Andrea for Nalani'a assassination attempt. That elemental wretch would love ammunition to take Andrea down.

Andrea laughs coldly, "she's the Head of the Black Council, she does not need evidence, she can fabricate it with ease. Vivianne has been by Pele's side lately, some sort of alliance is in the works and Vivianne would love nothing more than to destroy me. And to be quite frank not many would bat an eye at me being imprisoned for murder, especially after the island still blames me for the Nalani situation. And I cannot stop being paranoid or I will be easier to kill.."

That statement is completely true. Fabricating evidence will be easy for Pele should the need arise, especially with her any allies backing her. Paranoia does keep her alive, but she does not have so much of it that she is mad. No, she keeps the madness at bay. 

Andrea slowly turns and cocks her head to the side, like a snake as she slithers across to Ebony and sits down on the fur beside her, with a smile. 

"Anyway, what information do you have for me this week my shadow?" Andrea asks, caressing Ebony's cheek with seeming tenderness. Except she could just as easily gouge the flesh from her cheeks with her razor sharp nails. But that would be a pity, for Ebony has such soft cheeks and skin and such a pretty face. But pretty things tend to be the most damaged on the inside. 

"Well my darling older sister is still dealing with that suitor's arrogant princeling father behind Pele's back," Ebony says angrily, though Andrea waves at her to continue in impatience.

"I already know this, from my other sources in Umbra," Andrea snaps irritably, thinking about her spy, Melinda Marlowe, "tell me something of use." 

Ebony's eyes narrow ever so slightly in annoyance at the tone but she eventually sighs, takes a moment to think before a dangerously sweet smile settles on her face. 

"Alright," Ebony says softly, "Cierra plans to assassinate you." 

Andrea stops short at that, turns to face Ebony completely before she laughs, "tell me something I don't know little shadow, Cierra always has plans to assassinate me as I do her, not one plot of hers has succeeded yet." 

ONE DARK QUEEN ❖ (A Three Dark Crowns Tale)Where stories live. Discover now