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3 days after Beltane

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3 days after Beltane

The Quickening has passed, the Ascension has begun but Arwen is still thinking of the events of the celebrations in Umbra. It makes her upset to think about but she cannot stop, something about it is bugging her.

The naturalist girl who has died over nothing, her attempts on Queen Carina did not succeed luckily, Arwen is glad that her sister isn't harmed. And that poor girl was so young. Too young to be an assassin. Perhaps she was coerced. Who knows. Now she is dead no one will ever know.

Arwen is happy though that Klaude managed to persuade his father and Cierra to let him come back to Umbra and Draven Mansion, he arrived just yesterday.

They lounge about in Klaude's rooms now in secret, for the sun is up and everyone else is fast asleep as is the shadow's custom. Draven Mansion is a massive estate so no one is even within earshot to hear them speak. It is much better. Some privacy at last.

Cierra ordered the shadows leave early those days ago, the same night of the botched Quickening which none really minded as their version of nighttime of every else's daytime. They like to vanish and travel under the cover of darkness.

But now they have returned and Cierra spent the first few days drilling her about potential plans and strategies to kill Nalani and Carina. It's all a headache. Now she is grateful to be free of Cierra and the politics, if only for a few hours. She is still not keen on killing, she may be a queen but it's not her nature to kill even though she's told it should be as a sacred triplet, by the islanders, by the shadows and by the temple - she's not keen on the priestesses or the High Priestess honestly.

"What is troubling you my love?" Klaude asks, concern on his face as he catches her rueful expression. He notices the subtle changes in her face and emotions so much better now, he has been watching her. Even when she turns away, if only to admire her beauty.

"It's the girl, the assassin," Arwen sighs, turning to face him on the bed.

"What about her?"

"She was so young," Arwen says, shaking her head, "it made no sense, why would she risk killing a queen when she knew she could never escape alive."

"I can't say that I know the mind of an assassin that well but what is she to you?" Klaude asks, pulling her closer. He doesn't mean to be mean in his manner, he is just blunt. Klaude isn't an over thinker like her.

"Nothing, I never knew her but I still feel for her and her family, they looked so shocked and distraught," Arwen says, shaking her head, "something about it all doesn't match up."

He considers it for a moment but Arwen sees him dismiss the thought of in his head before he even replies. She's been watching him to. The way his expressions and mind works.

"I wouldn't ponder it now, what's done is done, we have to look forward especially regarding your future, precarious as it is," Klaude says, "you are a queen so you are always at risk but your especially vulnerable now the Ascension's begun, I don't like it at all."

ONE DARK QUEEN ❖ (A Three Dark Crowns Tale)Where stories live. Discover now