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"Lani" Hestia whispers as she enters the queen's tent, spare cloak and a hidden wine bottle in her hands

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"Lani" Hestia whispers as she enters the queen's tent, spare cloak and a hidden wine bottle in her hands. It was easy to slip past the guards, they wouldn't suspect anything from Vivianne Westwood's calm docile girl. And it was even easier to slip them something and drug them. And after all, Hestia is quite pretty so how could they refuse her.

Nalani's eyes flutter open at Hestia's words and she yawns as she awakens from her brief doze. She spies the spare cloak that Hestia carries and smiles, it is all part of her disguise after they escape.

But then the young queen spots the wine bottle that Hestia is pulling out from beneath her robe and truly wakes up.

"You brought the wine, good," she says smiling at her friend as she sits up properly, "and the cloak to disguise me."

"I brought it all like you requested," Hestia says, unfastening her own cloak and hanging it up.

She doesn't need it, Nalani's tent radiates heat. But the Fire Queen makes it to her preferred temperature without a second thought. It is easy for her.

Nalani glances up at her friend and smiles warmly at her. Hestia looks beautiful tonight, she wears a deep turquoise dress which brings out the hues of green in her pretty dark eyes and her beautiful dark brown curls sit on the turqoise dress. Small gold bangles adorn her wrists and foreign gold hoops in her ears which is apparently the fashion on the mainland. She has quite full chest which the dress compliments as it hugs to her body and her curves, she isn't as slim as Nalani but Nalani prefers thinks Hestia's body type is much more appealing. It's quite rare.

"Look at you," Nalani says grinning, "every man in The Hunt will be pining after you with your gorgeous figure."

Hestia blushes as she takes a seat next to Nalani and shakes her head, "I doubt that," she says with a small smile and Nalani rolls her eyes. Hestia is ever the self doubter.

"What a shame, now all those boys will go crying back to their homes after Beltane, weeping of their broken hearts," she says, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she smiles at her friend.

"You always over exaggerate Nalani," Hestia says with an eye roll but she can't keep the smile off of her face.

"I'm not lying and you know it, you underestimate yourself but don't tell me you never noticed the attention you got?" Nalani says, thinking back on it. Hestia is shyer than Nalani, she doesn't like to flirt so openly or any of that. But Nalani has seen the way some boys and even girls look at her.

"Pfff what attention?" Hestia says incredulously.

"Does Henri Renard ring a bell?" Nalani says dryly with a sly smile on her face.

The poisoner boy and Hestia did have a fling a few months ago in Rolanth but it wasn't serious. And Vivianne loathed him because of his association with the Arrons and the fact that he was a poisoner. Nobody likes poisoners and the island isn't keen for more poisoner queens. Not after what happened with the last streak of them.

ONE DARK QUEEN ❖ (A Three Dark Crowns Tale)Where stories live. Discover now