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It is finally time for the Disembarking, where the suitors will row and present themselves to Arwen and her sisters

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It is finally time for the Disembarking, where the suitors will row and present themselves to Arwen and her sisters. She will finally see them again, after ten years she will be reunited with her little sisters and then she will kill them. 

The thought makes her automatically rub the small scars and purple bruises that decorate her wrists. The healer and Arwen's maids did their best to treat the wounds Cierra inflicted and they tried to make sure they wouldn't scar. Arwen doesn't think they will scar permanently but there will be marks there for the next few weeks. Good. They'll be a reminder of what happens if she fails. And she can't fail. Failure means death. That means a life without Klaude - that would be unbearable. That is her motivation. Without him she's might've even let herself be slain by a sister, if only to escape the future cage that Cierra will surely manufacture. But with love, it will be bearable. She has hope. She has him.

Suddenly Cierra enters her tent with no flicker of remorse or empathy in her eyes as she stares at Arwen's wrists in her usual cold disgust,  "You will have to wear gloves tonight," she says calmly as she studies the marks closely, "or a dress with longer sleeves." 

Both of them look to Arwen's current dress that is beautiful like all of her wardrobe but it is short sleeved and therefore her marks are quite visible. 

"We can't have the suitors seeing your imperfections," Cierra says with malice, a cold cruel delight dancing in her soulless eyes as she looks Arwen in the eye, "can we now?

Arwen only shakes her head and looks down to avoid gazing into those cold eyes. 

She feels horrible honestly, she had little sleep because of nightmares and the pain of her healing wounds so there are great massive bags under her eyes, her complexion is paper than usual and her usually glossy black here is limp. For the night where she is supposed to look her best, Arwen looks her worst. The thought almost makes her chuckle but she quickly stifles it so that she won't vex Cierra further. 

Today she feels empty, she feels incomplete, she feels unworthy. Today she is spiralling into a black hole from which there is no escape. That is how she truly feels ever since Klaude left the valley. But she must remain calm. She will see him soon. And she will be happy. That is what she tells herself anyway.

Throughout the day Arwen barely ate a thing or said a word to anyone. She had wanted to talk to Ebony but she was nowhere to be found. Earlier, her maids applied a thick pale paste under her eyes in an attempt to hide the purplish hue that highlighted her skin under her eyes. That paste has long since come off so now evidence of her insomnia is obvious to all. They also applied a sort of gel into her hair in an attempt to make it look glossy and it worked but that has now come off as well. Cierra will insist that her makeup be reapplied before Arwen is allowed to leave to greet the suitors. She must be disguised, polished to perfection like a porcelain doll before Cierra props her up for the suitors to view.

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