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Wincing Carina retracts her hand from the left side of her neck where a rash has started to appear

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Wincing Carina retracts her hand from the left side of her neck where a rash has started to appear. Right where she has been applying that poison oak perfume that Klaude Vale gifted her on his briefs visit, the one tainted with white snakeroot and scented with oleander.

Looking in the mirror on her dresser she scowls. She is the Viper Queen. Yet she has become weak. Plagued with more and more headaches and now damned rashes from the poison oak in that perfume. A poisoner who is affected my poison, she's almost as pathetic as Eirene these days. Even Octavia is likely stronger than she is.

Is she ill? Has the Goddess truly deserted her in Ascension Year? Perhaps even the divine being herself is sick of poisoner queens reigning.

A few tears even fall from Carina's eyes as she thinks on this and looks in the mirror. Her face looks even paler than usual and her expression is so forlorn. Carina is absolutely alone.

She hasn't even told Andrea, she's not sure how any of them would react. They would likely treat her with contempt like they do with Eirene and make her endure the harshest manner of poison training. Training. That's usually reserved for children whose gifts have not yet come. Carina is a full grown young woman and she feels ashamed.

Ashamed, upset and angry. Wiping her tears she applies some cosmetics, only very light ones. Applying a little rogue to her cheeks for some colour she does a light coat over her lips. Not that she needs it. Her lips are naturally quite red.

Her eyes still a little wet Carina practises a smile. Over and over. And it looks genuine. She has always prided herself on her acting abilities. Let people believe what they want about her, do anything but let them see your weaknesses or your true self, all those things can be used against you.

These are lessons she has taught herself. That's how Carina has survived the environment she has been brought up in.

But after a few minutes of starting and criticising herself she has decided to stop feeling sorry for herself as she spies the cloudless sunny sky through her windows. The grounds of the manor look particularly beautiful today. Smiling a little, genuinely this time, she moves towards the door.

Luckily on her way she didn't encounter any of the Arrons. She's not in the mood to talk strategy with Andrea or have Octavia either make a snide comment or a sly compliment to try and win her favour.

No. Today is her day. A simple day.

She first stopped off by the kitchens to grab some snacks, Selene helped her prepare a few non toxic bits of food and promised Carina her discretion, it wouldn't do for any of the other servants to find out, they will likely gossip which would reach the ears of the Arrons.

And there are so many Arrons in the Manor right now. Andrea, Octavia, Amara, Eirene, Silas, Adrion and Niklaus. And Vincent, his wife (Madeleine Bethal) and their children, Kol and Vincent have become frequent visitors, so eager to be apart of the queens household.

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