Edge Of Great

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I got dressed and drove to school. I was walking when I saw Julie and Luke talking. So I got a little closer and was listening to their conversation. He had his little shy face on and was stuttering a lot.

"I think you make mar a better writer".... "I think we make each other better" Julie said to Luke with a smile on her face. I just walked in the opposite direction. I called my dad and told him I'm ditching school and he said okay.

      I went over to Julie, I wanted to talk to Reggie and Alex. I was expecting Luke to be at school with Julie but when I walked in the garage I saw Luke sitting with the boys "LUKE. Um your here? I said and the boys all just looked at me "Yeah, we gotta rehearse for tonight" he said with a confused tone. "No right it's just.. Alex. Reggie. Can I um, talk to you?" I said. They both get up "Sure"

     We heard a bang on the door. We all look behind and it's someone looking in. Alex poofs out leaving me, Reggie and Luke. "I think ima go and um.. talk to ray" Reggie says before he poofs out. It's only me and Luke now

    He stands up "So is everything alright? You have been avoiding me since our last gig" he starts walking closer to me but I step back.

  "I like you Luke. I do. It's just at the gig I saw how u looked at Julie. You couldn't take your eyes off of her. I thought we had something but you like Julie. You think you like me cause we can touch each other. I'm okay with that. I mean you guys are in a band so I'll just leave you guys alone. I said as I take a deep breath.

    "Yeah, me and Julie have something but that's because we have a band. But I like you, Lydia. And yea you can touch me but that's not the only reason I like you." He puts his hand on my face "come watch us play tonight, you won't regret it" he says with a huge smile.

  "Last time I came to watch you play I ended up being the one to play. I'll be there" I walk out and go to my car "Crap, I forgot my keys" I got back but I hear the boys talking "Like you and Julie" I stop right in-front for the door

     "Uh, what are you talking about?" Luke said to Alex and Reggie "Come on, everyone can see the way you look at her when you sing. You guys ooze chemistry"... "you should never say ooze again but yeah. I agree." I walk in and grab my keys off the table

     "Lydia" Luke said to me. "S-Sorry, I um.. forgot my keys." I felt a tear drop fall from my face. "Continue on." I walk out and rush my car and drive home.

I went home and took a shower and got ready for their show tonight. I put on a dirty green overcoat and skirt with a black long sleeve under it with a necklace my dad got me saying "Music is all I need".

He got it for me when I was 4. That's when I found my love for music. Me and my mother would always listen to Sunset curve, I never knew that my dad was in the band


I arrive at the party and saw Carrie in the back talking to nick "What are you doing here?" I asked Carrie "It's something to do, Sis." She smiles and I just walk over to Flynn.

Flynn introduced them "thanks for coming everyone" Julie said as she sat down at the piano .Julie started singing and Gosh, she is beautiful. No wonder he likes her.

    Julie sings eight Reggie then turns to Alex but completely ignores Luke. I could tell he was confused. "It's never straight, No" Luke sang and nodded to Julie to come over and sing with him but she ignores him and continue to sing. He got upset and confused on why she was ignoring him. So was I, why is she ignoring him?!

    She sits on the piano and Luke does a guitar solo to her to attention, they just stare into each other's eyes. I am in the way, I just need to leave and let them live their life.

   I walked away but the boys proofed infront of me "Hey, what's wrong?" Reggie asked me "Yeah are you okay?" Asked asked me. I wipe away the tears and just walked through them. I went right through Luke.

   "What's wrong with her?" Reggie asked the guys "I hurt her. I just messed up guys" Luke said to the boys "Go fix it. Don't just let her get away. GO"

    I reached my car when Luke pooped in-front of me "Lydia. I am so sorry. I didn't know you showed" Luke said to me. He reached for my hand but it went right through it "I-I can't touch you anymore" I just stared at him "If you want to be with Julie go be with her Luke. You can't HAVE US BOTH. So GO. GO BE WITH HER"

     I looked over and saw Julie waiting for like "There she is. Go" he stared at me with this sad look on his face and tears "GO LUKE" he poofed out and I got in my car and drove home.

     When I got inside my dad was on the couch waiting for me "Baby? What's wrong?" I stop and stare at him "Nothing" he walks over to me and smiles at me "What?"

"So I talked to come of my buddies, and tomorrow you are going to perform for them" my eyes went big "OMG THANK YOU DAD" I give him a big hug "I HAVE TO GO REHEARSE"

      I go out to my studio and the boys are standing there "I thought I told you to go" I said to them as I walk past to my piano "Look, we need your help" Luke said, I just ignored them but the they got another shock "Oh my god, it's still happening?" I said as I rushed to help them

    "I know Luke hurt you but if you don't help us, we are all going to get hurt" Alex said to me "What can I do?" I said to the boys as I walked back to the piano "We have to play the Orpheum" Alex said to me. Luke and Reggie sat on the couch. Luke wouldn't even look at me

    "I can't help. Ask Luke's girlfriend" I said to them as I sat down at the piano and started going through my song book "come on. You're Bobby daughter"... "AND" I said to them as I slammed down my book on the piano.

I took a deep breath "I can't help. I have more important things. Like ALIVE PEOPLE PROBLEMS. SO GET OUT OF MY STUDIO AND LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled. They stare at me and I start crying

    "I can't do this without you, Lydia. I need you" Luke said to me "You need me? Funny. Cause tonight it looked like you needed Julie. Not me. So go ask her, she's in your band not me. Now if you don't mind I have a performance to prepare for. So please, just leave. I am done with ghost Problem" I said to them. They all poof out and I just broke down at the piano

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