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I walked off the stage and went to where Carrie was standing "Wow, your voice is amazing". Carrie said in a shocking tone "thanks, I was nervous"

     the principal and Mr, Harrison walked in the middle of the gym "Wow, that was very heart touching" no one said anything "OK then, before we let you go, we have a few more announcements" I got distracted by the 3 boys talking to they girl "Carrie? Who's that girl?" Carrie turns and looks over at her "Thats Julie. Don't get mixed up with her."

   "Go bobcats" the principal shouted. Everyone started to leave but I noticed Julie on the stage sitting at the piano. She's started singing and got people attention. All of a sudden the boys who she was talking to just popped on stage and started to play with her. That got everyone attention. Everyone went up to the stage and started herring her on. I followed Carrie, right to the middle of the crowd.

    "In times that I doubted myself, I felt like I needed some help, suck in my dead. With nothing left. I feel something around me now" the boy with the beanie on started to sing. That voice, I know it. The little black mark on the drum set. I seen it somewhere. Why can't I think of it.

   I made eye contact with him "So unclear, lifting me out. I found the ground, I'm marching on" beanie winked at me when turned over to face flannel guy

" LIFE IS A RISK BUT I WILL TAKE IT" I can't listen to this. I have to find out who these boys are. It's like actually killing me not know. I walk out of the gym and go to the computer room to try and see if I can find them on something.


It's been like 20 minutes and I haven't found anything. I also have little to go off of. I can't find out who these boys are.

   I give up. I grab my stuff and walk out the room. I went to turn this corner but I hear Julie talking to the boys. So of course my noisy self stayed behind the corner and listened to their conversation

    "Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" Beanie boy said to the rest of the group. I really need to learn names "Flannel" and "Beanie boy" won't work for long.

   "yeah the whole school saw you. It's kinda freaking me out." why wouldn't we be able to see them? I mean, they are humans... right? "You can see us and people can see us whenever we play, and my clothes are made of air but for some reason I'm still getting wedgies"

    "That was a great song Luke. Thanks" Julie said to Beanie boy. So beanie boys name is Luke. Good to know.

     I stopped listening to most of it, it was all just them talking until I heard the blonde boy says something about the "After Life". Wait. They aren't dead are they? That's impossible. That would mean they are ghost, and ghost aren't visible, so I shouldn't be able to SEE THEM.

   The janitor turned the corner and I quickly stopped him "hey, did you get a good look of who she is talking to?" He gives me a weird look. Like I'm crazy. "Honey, she isn't talking to anyone but herself" he gives me a weird look again then walks away. So I am completely crazy. I have to be, there is no way they are ghost, and CUTE ghost?

  "Tell those cheerleaders I'm single" I look over the corner and see Julie walking away from the boys. "oh, and that he's dead" the blonde one shouted to Julie. I had to pass them to get to my next class but do I want to? If they are dead then I'm going mental and need help.

     "Woo" Luke shouted. I turned the corner and made direct eye contact with Luke again. I took a deep breath and just walked past them, but instead of past them I went THROUGH LUKE. That was a feeling I never knew I would feel. I'm to noisy for this. I have to know more

    "I can't do this. What are you guys?" I turn around.

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