Don't Forget About Me

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I went to julies and the boys were waiting outside "why are you outside" I said as I stopped the car "waiting for you. You look beautiful" when Luke said that my stomach got butterflies. "Hop in. Even tho you can just poof there" they get in the car and we drive to the place

    "Am I late?" Julie asked Flynn "Too early" we all look on the stage and it's Carrie in her Lada Gaga outfit. "How did she get on the list?".... "her daddy probably made a call" Flynn said. That angered me. I don't care if they don't like them but don't disrespect my family.

    "Hey. That's my family your talking about" I said, Flynn got all flustered "I-I'm sorry" I roll my eyes "You can hate them all you want I don't care but they are my family. Disrespect them and you might as well talk about me. She put her name on the list like everyone ELSE." I yelled at Flynn. "Hey Lydia, deep breaths" Luke grabbed my hand. Flynn stayed silent after I snapped on her.

     The whole time Carrie was performing Alex was dancing with her. The whole time me and Luke held hands. It's like now that we can touch we don't ever wanna stop touching. It's wrong, he's dead and I'm alive but I don't care anymore. I like Luke and he likes me. Only thing is that he's dead.

     Carrie gets off the stage and instantly walks over to Julie and Flynn "Isn't it past your bedtime" Carrie said to them "Shut up Carrie. You would be nothing is it wasn't for dad. Now go and find some big manager to bug" I roll my eyes and Carrie walks away.

   "Next up is Julie and the fat one" they go up on stage and ofc everyone loves them. Julie walks over to Luke "I got a spark in me".... "I got a spark in me" they both sing and just stare into each other eyes without breaking contact "and You're apart of me".... "and you're apart of me".... "now 'til eternity".... "now 'til eternity" that hurt. Seeing Luke look at her the same way he looks at me. Have I been getting lead on my a ghost? I'm such a fool.

    "Last performance of the night, LYDIA WILSON"

  I walk on stage and sit at the piano. This song was about Luke but now I don't know if I still feel like this towards him. He obviously has something for Julie and she has something for him. Maybe I'm just in the way of them.

     I started playing the piano "I thought all of my hope was gone... until you walked in. Showed this broken down body of bones that this life is with it. Gave me everything a person could ask, made my world so perfect. So I pray each and every night that this loves with the risk"

    I stare into the crowd with tears in my eyes. I look over and see Luke, Julie and the rest of the boys standing by the counter watching me. I made eyes contact with Luke "if I don't make it through the night, don't forget me. Keep me in your memory, let me be your favorite angel, just keep on moving on. Oh REMEMBER, that life always gets better, cry for me but promise, darling. You'll keep on strong"

     Luke had tears in his eyes. I tried holding mine back but I couldn't. "You're the worlds most extravagant guy, I just can't understand, I'm a time bomb that ticks away, still you're holding my hands"

     After I finished, I walked off stage and go over to Julie and the guys "Wow, who was that song about?" Julie asked me the moment I got over to them "Wh-What are you talking about?" SHe holds my hand "That song obviously was very heartfelt to you. You were crying" I can't say it was for Luke "um, it's just- nothing important"

     The girl walked up to Julie so I hurried up and ran to the other side of the room but I saw Julie dad come over and he didn't look happy. Julie left with her dad and the boys pooped over to me "So who was the song about?" Reggie asked me with a little side smile on his face "no one. It's just something I wrote the other girl." I glared at Luke, he had this sad look on his face "Guys... Look" Alex said, pointing to the girl who was talking to Julie. She was on her way over to me

    "Hi, I'm Andi Parker, and I would love to say, your voice is amazing. It's rare you see talent like that. Your voice is enough. You don't need to use many instruments." The manger said to me "thank you, I try not to use too much noise, hides my voice" she smiles and pulls out one of her business cards "Give me a call. I would love to get to hear you sing more" I take the car and she walks away. I let out a huge squeal and turn to the boys "AHHH. Oh my god. Did that really just happen?" Luke hives me "Congrats. You deserve it"

     He lets go of me "how did you get a card and not me" I turn around and It's Carrie "Maybe because I actually have talent. I don't need all these colors and noise for me to sound amazing." I smile and walk out.

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