I Got The Music

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After what happened last night with the boys, they vanished back home so I just went home and tried to get some sleep. But I couldn't stop thinking stop thinking about it and before I knew it, it was morning and I didn't get any sleep. Now I have to go to dance.

I got up and got dressed for school. I put on leggings with a pink crop top and a black jacket with white converse.

I went downstairs and me and Carrie went to school.

"And right, and left, step touch. Step touch" Julie comes in running late. She stood next to Flynn and we just continue to dance. We all reached down to our feet when we saw the boys walking in.

"Right on time, Coach Barron." Did I hear that right? RIGHT ON TIME? Omg we have to dance with the boys "so students, coach Barron and I have decided that his lacrosse team will be part of our class for a few weeks, Many pro athletes used dance to help them with coordination and mobility".... "This isn't about flirting with girls, it's about making us better so we can actually win a game. We lost again. BURBANK." Coach Barron yelled at the boys.

"Well, let's all remember that composer is a big part of dance. Everybody pair up" the boys all heard towards the girls "Partners?" This fairly but boy asked me "Sure, I'm Lydia" he smiles "I'm Ryan"

So ladies let's do what we learned last week, and we will perform this with the boys this Friday. Coach Barron and I will demonstrate." I kept noticing Ryan looking over at me with a smile. Great. Just what I need.

We started dancing and he wasn't bad. "Let's do it again, half- time. No music"

After the class I went home and laid in bed. I couldn't sleep so I just went out to the studio and worked on some of my songs.

"Can we talk?" I look behind me and Luke is standing there with tears in his eyes. I instantly stood up "omg, what Happened?" I said, I went go touch him but realized I can't. "It's my birthday and I went to see my parents, and- Julie quit the band. I don't know what to do" he walks over to the couch and sits besides me. "And this touching anyone besides the boys thing sucks" he said as he wiped his tears away

"Hey, look at me. Julie will come back to you guys. She loves you guys and the band." I leaned in to hug him and I didn't go right though him. His eyes lit up. I wrapped my arms around him and just hug him. " It doesn't matter that you are a ghost. I will find a way to touch you. Even if I can't" he backs away and just stares into my eyes. He leans in and we kiss

"Is bad of me to fall for a ghost?" He laughs "I think it's even worse I'm falling for a lifer, and my ex bandmates daughter" we both laugh. "Oh, I almost forget to tell you. I got you a gig tonight" my eyes go big when he said those words. I rose up "a gig? Where? I have nothing ready" he lets out a loud laugh and stands up

"You have nothing to worry about, even if all you said was a few words everyone would love you." I just looked into those eyes. Those beautiful big brown eyes "Come to Julie, we can all go together".... "I'll be there" he poofs out and I go straight to my music book and find the Perfect song to sing.

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