Winter Turning (You get it? Because know)

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Hello, fellow fanwings! Do you know what's been happening to me all week? My brain would be like: Okay, time to start writing a new chapter. No procrastinating this time! And then I'd be like: Nuuu! I'm too laaaazy. But here I am. Finally starting a new chapter. Yay?

Winters Point of View:

Morroweseer Comet. Arrested. For drug use. Formerly a part-time teacher at Pyrihia high, part-time...something else. (No one but the Nightwings seemed to know what that 'else' was exactly).

Winter blinked up at the screen. Had he heard that right? Morrowseer, one of the crappiest people to teach at his school...had been arrested? He blinked again, before scoffing to himself. Why was he so surprised? You would think that someone like Morrowseer would murder with no guilt or regret. Then again, it wasn't every day someone you've met in person shows up on the news as a criminal.

Bandit was busily tiering himself out, providing Winter with great amusement as he averted his eyes from the TV screen and instead watched the weasel ran up and down the plastic, semi-see through red tube. 

He had no intention of going out that day, nor did he have any intention of going out on any weekend. He'd much rather avoid any confrontation with his family. He was fine being isolated in his room, with just Bandit. However, fate seemed to have something else planned for him that day.

His phone dinged, catching his attention. He got up with a sigh, grabbing it off his nightstand. Qibli had sent out a text in the group chat. It recommended that they go to the park near Pyrihia high because a food truck there was giving out free ice cream.

Kinkajou agreed immediately, Turtle agreeing to go after, and Moon after that. Winter was about to say he couldn't go, when his door opened, making way for a certain white-haired girl.

"Hey." She said plainly, inspecting him and crinkling her nose up as though he were filth that'd gotten on the wall. She crossed her arms, nose still wrinkled as if the room stunk.

"Mother and Father want to turn your room into storage for ice sculptures that aren't needed. You know, kinda like you. So, uh, yeah, your stuff is going to be moved into that other room that we used to use as a backup pantry. Just thought I'd let you know." She said, a wicked smile replacing her disgusted frown.

Winter stared at her for a moment, trying to figure out if she was lying or not. The two of them looked quite similar, with the same snow-white hair, icy blue eyes, and pale skin. But Icicle dressed in more royal attire and wore thin glasses with a golden frame.

"So, I'm gonna go now. Just being within six feet of your living space is making me feel disgraceful." She said, meeting his eye one last time to scoff before she left.

"Wait, where am I supposed to go in the meantime?!" Winter yelled after her, getting up to run to the door so she could hear him better.

"Figure it out yourself!" She yelled back, not even bothering to glance back at him. Winter looked down at the weasel, who was now poking his head out of the plastic tube. He sighed. He didn't want whoever was moving his stuff to hurt Bandit, whether it be on purpose or on accident, so he picked to weasel and his things up, and brought them downstairs himself.

The room he was being given was much smaller than his old one, about the size of an average commoner's room. He placed Bandit and his toys and such on the floor, deciding to lock him in his cage so that he wouldn't run out when the door was opened again.

Then, he took out his phone and responded to the group chat, saying that he could go. Going out with his friends was better than jeopardizing his chances of avoiding his parents.

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