The Jade Dragonet Sleepover Pt.1

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Welcome to the first of a four-part jumbo chapter! I know that makes me sound like an idiot, but I am an idiot, so whatever. I hope you're all doing alright. I'm sorry if your not. I really am, but I'm terrible at expressing things. Anyways, let's begin.

Qiblis Point Of View:

Qibli sat in history class absentmindedly. Normally, he would be listening to Professor Webs lecture. Or at least bits of it. But it was very hard to stay interested in Earth's Plate when Webs was using the most monotone, apathetic tone he could possibly muster. Bored, Qibli momentarily let his mind wander. 

Who had the idea for telephone booths?  Who decided they were too lazy to say 'telephone', and started just saying 'phone' instead? Who's the fourth person on my 'missed calls' list? How many people get phones on their birthdays? How many people do others usually invite to their birthdays? Do many people throw birthday parties? How many different types of parties are there? Are slumber parties counted as parties? Isn't another way of saying 'slumber party' sleepover? Hey, my friends and I should have a sleepover! 

And so, that's what decided to tell the rest of the Jade Winglet during lunch. "That's a great idea, Qibli!" Kinkajou yelled, letting some salad slide off her tray and onto the table. Moon handed Kinkajou her napkin. "No, it's really not," Winter muttered, glaring at everyone. Qibli smirked at him in response. A while ago, Kinkajou had pulled Moon over to the Jade Winglet's usual table, and declared that she was officially a part of their little group. Winter had not been thrilled. And evidently, he was still a bit salty. Kinkajou had also asked him what Scoptophobia was. He explained to her that it the fear of being stared at, before asking why she'd asked. She said Moon had it, and he mentally slapped himself for not thinking of it sooner. Then he was unable to pay attention for the rest of the day, because he really wanted to look up the difference between Scoptophobia and Scopophobia. 

"Maybe we could invite other people, too!" Kinkajou said, already pulling out her phone to scroll through her contacts list. Moon laughed half heartily. "Please don't, five people is enough." She said, taking back her napkin once Kinkajou noticed the mess on the table and sheepishly cleaned it up.

"Maybe we should invite the DOD? We know a few of them pretty well." Turtle said. Qibli turned to him and nodded, realizing he was right. He looked over at Winter, who's jaw was clenched. Then at Turtle again, who was fiddling with the hem of his shirt, most likely hoping no one thought he was being ridiculous. "Yeah!" Kinkajou piped up. "Tsunami is your sister, Sunny is Qibli's sister, Deathbringer is Moon's cousin, and I know Glory like the back of my hand!" She said. Winter gave her a skeptical look, resulting in laughter.  "And if we could convince them to go, they could probably convince the rest of the DOD to go too," Qibli added, once they stopped laughing. They agreed, before the bell rang for class. 

When Qibli got home that they, he received a text from the group chat Kinkajou had made.

Hey guys! I went to Glorys house, and she said she'd be willing to have a sleepover if she could convince Grandeur to let her go! 

Kinkajou said (Through texting, obviously.)

A moment later, Moon replied, saying that Deathbringer would go too, and that he informed Peril about the sleepover. Then Peril told Clay.

He turned his phone off, ran upstairs, put his backpack in his room, and ran into Sunny's room. She was sitting on her bed, doing her homework on top of a wide children's book. He told her about the sleepover, and asked if she was willing to go. She agreed, and offered to tell Starflight and Fatespeaker as well.

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