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Hello, fellow fanwings! Oh, that's actually, good...I'm gonna use that from now on! I've got a new theme song for Costco! *Starts playing 'Deck The Halls' music in the background* ahem, All the Christmas light have been set la la la la la, la la la la~ Even though it's not Christmas yet la la la la la, la la la la~

Reed's Point of View:

"Good morning everyone! Merry Christmas!" Umber shrieked joyfully from atop the stairs. He's younger siblings always woke earlier then he did, but it seemed as though his little brother had woken up extra early that day. 

("Hmm. Wonder why," Glory would say sarcastically when Clay would talk to her about it a couple of days later.)

Cattail, having been woken up by Umbers shouting, and now off-key singing, stomped into the room. She glanced at her children. A euphoric Umber, a tired Sora, an annoyed Crane, a disoriented Reed, a worn pheasant, and an excited Marsh, who'd begun singing as well. And then she stormed right back out, grabbing a few earplugs.

"Can we unwrap gifts before we eat? Oh please please please please please?" Marsh asked, turning to look at Reed. Reed let out a tired sigh, before nodding his head, leading his siblings over to the tree they'd cut down and decorated a couple of weeks ago.

"Has anyone seen Clay?" He asked with a yawn. "I bet he was up all night worrying about if we would like the gifts he got us, and now he's too tired to get up," Sora said, already turning around to go find her brother. "Yeah, plus, he was probably planning Christmas dinner too," Crane said with a snort, following her younger sister, and leading everyone else to her, Reed, and Clay's room.

Sure enough, Clay lay in his bed, snoring lightly and muttering something about Santa stealing his milk and cookies.

"Clay~" Crane tried in a sing-song voice, but got no response. "Clay," Reed said, with a much firmer tone than his sister. "Clay!" Umber yelled when they still got no response. He still laid there, snoring.

Marsh ran downstairs, and then back up with a few of Aunt Asha's pots and bans, suggesting they bag them together to try and wake him up. No result. Then, they gathered all their alarm clocks, and set them all off at the same time. Nope. 

Crane suggested they roll him off the bed and see what happened. Sora said he could get hurt, but Crane did it anyway. He rolled onto the floor with a thump, but continued to sleep. "If only he had the top bunk." Crane mused, earning an eye roll from her brother.

By now, Cattail had become fed up with all the noise. They all knew she was arriving when they heard loud thump thump thumps, nearing the bedroom. She stormed in. "What in the three moons is going on?" She screeched at her children. The 'I ain't get no sleep 'cause of yall' meme unintentionally played in Reed's mind.

"Wow, not even Cattail's screaming could wake him up!" Marsh marveled. None of them had ever called Cattail 'mother', because it never felt right. After a moment, she agreed to help wake Clay up, as long as all of them were quiet for the rest of the day.

Soon enough, Aunt Asha joined in too, seeming much more amused than her sister.

They tried banging against the wall, tickling, more yelling, playing firecrackers and glass shattering sounds on their phones, throwing things at other things (broke about 27 of the family's possessions) Shook him, the Illuminati, stomping on the ground, everything they could think of.

Finally, Cattail got fed up, and threw a bologna sandwich at the snoring boy. "That's his breakfast!" She yelled at her children over her shoulder, going back to her room to sleep.

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