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I'm back! Do you hate me yet? Anyway, I hope none of you are sick. If you or someone you know is sick then just hold on. you'll get through it.

Glory's point of view:

Glory was only now realizing how much she depended on all of her friends.

Sunny, Riptide, and even Deathbringer were always there to cheer her up whenever she was feeling down. Tsunami and Peril were always there to support her when things seemed to be going downhill. And Starflight was her go-to for help with anything book smart. Because of this, she was struggling to answer the question 'Hey, who do you depend on the most?' which, Riptide had just asked her in the library. They'd been working on a social studies project.

Glory thought about it. After a few minutes of thinking, Glory responded "Nobody. I rely on everyone."

"Really? All that tension, for nothing!" An eminently annoying voice said from behind her. Glory spun around. "How long have you been standing there for?" Glory yelled, and grabbed the closest thing, and threw it at him.

He caught the metal watch and threw it back to Riptide, who gave Glory an annoyed look as he put it back on. Oops, Glory thought, having forgotten that he took the watch off when it started getting hard to write vertically with it on.

"How long have you been there?" She asked Deathbringer. he held up five fingers. "You've been here for five minutes?!" She said. She spun to look at Riptide. "Why didn't you tell me he was here?!" She asked him. "I didn't know he was there either," Riptide said, shrugging. His stupid ability to hide in dark places. Glory thought.

"Well, whatever. Anyway, what do you mean by tension?" Glory asked.

"Well, we all wanted to know!"

Said a different voice. Glory yelped and stumbled back a bit. "Dude," Tsunami said, stepping out from behind Deathbringer. "It's just me!"

Glory ran her fingers through her multi-colored hair. "Oh, wow," Glory sneered. "I just love being scared by creeps who randomly hide just so they can talk when I least expect it." Glory said sarcastically, glaring at the two of them.

Tsunami laughed. "I enjoy your company too, Little Miss Sarcasm." Glory spared her a smile.

"Hey, guys! It's time to go to lunch." Starflight said, poking his head through the Library doors. Glory briefly spotted Fatespeakers' hand wrapped around his wrist, most likely guiding him. Even though he already had the school's layout memorized. The small group of four nodded.

Riptide and Tsunami left, leaving Glory alone with an idiot.

Deathbringer got on one knee and grabbed Glory's hand. "You ready to go?" He asked flirtatiously. Glory grabbed a book from her backpack, which was still sitting on a table, and smacked him on the top of his head. "Ow! Geez!" Deathbringer muttered, getting back up. Glory smirked, thinking he was done.

But of course he wasn't! Why? 'Cause he's Deathbringer! And so, he kissed her on the top of her head (He had to be at least a foot taller than her.) when she looked over her shoulder to make sure no one else would randomly start talking to scare her. Then he ran for his life because Glory was blushing furiously. "I'm going to kill you, and then once you're dead, I'm going to kill you again!" Glory yelled down the hall, starting to chase him. But part of her liked it. A small part of her wanted him to do it again... What am I thinking?! If he ever kisses me again, I would shove him off a cliff. Would I though? Yes! Of course, I would! Now shut up other side of me!

She chased him into the cafeteria, where he then sat down at their usual table and started chatting casually. Mad that he had kissed her without permission, but relieved that he hadn't already started blabbing it out to the rest of the DOD, Glory went to go get her lunch.

Once she got her food, (because of all the royals at Pyrrhia high, the quality of the food wasn't that bad, to everyone's relief,) she sat at the table, trying to act as normal as possible.

"Hey, Glory!" Sunny said, waving. "Are you okay? You look really red." Glory swore to herself. "Yes! I'm fine!" She said, sounding more forceful then she meant to. "Are you...blushing?" Peril asked. Tsunami smiled and looked at Glory. "Yeah, she's totally blushing!"

"I'm going to the bathroom," Deathbringer said and left. Glory had the sudden thought that he might actually be embarrassed.

"Ohhh~ Something happened when Riptide an I left~" Tsunami chirped. Glory wondered if she was close enough to smack her. "Ooh ooh! Let me guess! It was between you and him." Tsunami continued, pointing at the entrance to the boys' bathroom.

Starflights mouth bent into a grin before he re-composed his face again. "Did you guys kiss or something?" Riptide asked. Glory felt her face growing hotter. Again.

Sunny gasped, and sat up straighter in her seat, her face glowing with excitement. "You did kiss!" She said, a hopefully gleam in her eye. "It wasn't my fault!" Glory stuttered, and Tsunami rolled her eyes. "He kissed me without my consent! And it was just on the top of my head, not on the lips!" Glory said, hushing her voice to a whisper so no one but the DOD would hear. Tsunami snorted. "Oh c'mon, I bet you enjoyed yourself." Tsunami said, a flicker of mischief in her eye. Glory dug her fork deep into her plate of pasta and flung it at Tsunami. Tsunami made a noise, before ducking down. The pasta hit her younger brother, Turtle, instead. Glory winced and mouthed out 'sorry' in his direction. He nodded.

Glory and Tsunami argued some more. So they didn't realize anything was happening. Not until Sunny pulled them down, under the table. "Wha-?" Tsunami began. Glory put a hand over her mouth and turned her head to the cafeteria. Tsunamis' eyes lit up. "Food fight!" She yelled, crawling out from under the table, and joined Deathbringer, (Who had apparently left the bathroom,)and Peril in what was now pure chaos. And she was right. A food fight had broken out in the cafeteria. Professor Webs was trying desperately to get everyone to stop. The lunch ladies, as usual, didn't care much. Glory realized the fight must have broken out when her pasta had accidentally his Turtle. Someone must have thought it was a game and started throwing more food around. She grimaced as a glob of yogurt dropped to the edge of the table she was under, nearly landing on her hand.

Glory realized that Starflight, Riptide, and Clay were also with the under the table. Starflight was cupping his ears, Riptide was starring helplessly, and Clay was looking at the ground, most likely wondering if any of the food was salvageable. Glory sighed. She glanced at Clay again.

Well, at least I can rely on him to eat my leftovers.

Here you go! I hope you're happy with it! And if you're not, too bad! Jk, if you don't like it, I won't be too offended if you tell me to do die in a hole. But really, if you don't like it, please let me know how I can improve. Bye!

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