This Is Why I'm not a baker

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Hello everyone! Guess what! I've finished school for this year! I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it! Hurray! Conflicting emotions!

Kinkajou's point of view:


"SHUT UP YOU STUPID ALARM CLOCK!!"  Kinkajou screeched.

She slammed her hand down on the alarm's off button. Her mother poked her head in, mumbling about how Kinkajoy could possibly have enough energy to scream first thing in the morning. Kinkajou mumbled as she dragged herself off the bed. How do Disney princesses wake up in the morning looking fresh of the runway? She thought as she stared at her groggy self in the mirror. Then she remembered Princess Anna, and disregarded that thought. After what was probably about 30 minutes but felt like 30  years, Kinkajou was heading downstairs for breakfast. She'd done her hair into two braids, with her signature oversized red bow. She had red and white striped leggings and a puffy, yellow blouse. 

She skipped down the stairs, two at a time, and took a seat at the table, next to her mother, Leache. "Waffles!" She yelled in delight, and began to stuff her face.

Once she finished her breakfast, she waved her mother goodbye and started skipping her way to school. It wasn't a long walk from where she lived, so, every day, she'd walk to school, put on a pair of headphones, and listen to the most upbeat, obnoxious music you could imagine.

Once she made it to school, Kinkajou checked her schedule. P.E, and then cooking class. Kinkajou wasn't sure why the school had wanted a cooking class, but it was there, and there was nothing she could really do about it.

Walking into P.E, Kinkajou saw the girl name Moonwatcher, or Moon, that she was now best friends with. However, Kinkajou was a bit discouraged by the fact she seemed really jumpy around the school. She was reading a book, titled 'Maximum Ride'. 

Maybe I could make her feel more welcome here, Kinkaju thought. Winter had yelled at her back when she first arrived, and apparently viper and Flame hadn't been very nice to her either. She'd tried to make her feel welcome back in art, but she'd run out the door. Well, if at first you don't succeed, try try again. Kinkajou thought. But then she had the song 'Try' stuck in her head.

Anyhow, she went up to the girl and sat down next to her on the bleachers. "We have the same P.E class together! How great is that!" Kinkajou said, bouncing in place. The girl turned to her and nodded, smiling. 

"So, what happened during art? Were you all right?" Kinkajou asked. "oh, yeah. I have Scoptophobia." She said, turning back to her book. Kinkajou made a mental note, even though she knew she would forget it, to ask Qibli what Scoptophobia was. She started talking with Moon, as they got to know each other. Once in a while, Moon would hold her book up to her eyes, as though trying to block out the sun. Even though the gym was indoors.

Moon was quiet and pretty (although half the time she was blocking her face with a book. Not necessarily from Kinkajou, just, in general) and after a while, Kinkajou thought she was really starting to understand her. She also thought Moon was warming up to her. They talked for a bit longer, before Kestral, the P.E teacher told everyone to get up because the class was starting. She also said something about lazy idiots, but Kinkajou didn't really hear it.

She came out of P.E whopping. "We won! Yaaaaaaaaaaas! I love Volleyball!" Moon came out behind her, panting and sweating. She gave Kinkajou a questioning look, asking her how she still had so much energy. Kinkajou shrugged. "What class do you have next?" "Cooking." "Really? Me too! oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, we have so many classes together! I'm so glad you're my best friend. Well, one of my best friends." Kinkajou said zealously. Moon smiled at her.

"Will we get to eat what we cook? Or bake? Or fry? Or whatever?" A boy named Orche asked as he entered the classroom with everyone else. He was a part of Viper's gang, one of the school bullies, but he was a grade younger than the rest of his little group. "Yup!" Said the teachers, Mrs. Crocodile. "Anyway, we'll be baking cupcakes today, in pairs. I will be choosing the pairs. And I don't want any of you to complain about your partner." She announced. Some people groaned.

Kinkajou jumped up and down in excitement. She wanted to be paired with Turtle, but he was a grade above her, with Winter and Qibli.

Instead, she was paired with Moon, which she was just as happy about. Together, they found a station and looked over the list of things they needed to do.


-Choose a flavor

-11/3 cups of flour

-1 teaspoon of baking power

-a teensy weensy bit of salt

-a half cup of butter, preferably melted

-200 grams of suger

-2 eggs

-however much of the flavor you chose

-half a cup of milk

Frosting and buttercream recipe below

(Angelphoenix is not responsible for any injuries regarding posianus cupcakes made by following this recipe)


"Okay, so, let's see here, we need to choose a flavor!" Kinkajou said. "How about chocolate, or strawberry, our vanilla, or, funfetti, or, lemon, or-"

"Red velvet?"

Moon asked, cutting her off. She twirled the silver part of her hair around her finger nervously. "It's my favorite." She added with a small smile. "Sure! I love red velvet! I've never had it before though." kinkajou said. "Um. Okay then."

A little while later, Moon was putting the cupcakes in the oven, with oddly small oven Mitz. Kinkajou was debating with herself if she wanted to make the cupcake frosting pastel rainbow or pink. She settled on pastel rainbow, because she thought it would look cooler. Moon didn't mind, so, that's what they went for.

As they were making the frosting different colors, however, a loud PANG went off in the oven. Kinkajou looked over, to see that creamy red but not quite pink-colored batter had coated just about everything, except for a small patch of the oven that Kinkajou could see through. Moon turned over her head, so she was facing her. "Kinkajou..." She began

"How much baking powder did you put in? Only a teaspoon, right?"

"Uh," Kinkajou glanced sheepishly at the half-empty bag of baking powder slouching on the counter of their station.

"Well ..." She said, her cheeks flushed, eyes mischievous.

"This is why I'm not a baker."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry if it seems a bit lacking, or worse then usual, which, already isn't very good. I really wanted to write another chapter, but my head just didn't feel like working correctly today. So half of this is just me writing with an empty mind. Just so you know. Also, did anyone else hear about the new book J.k Rowling is posting on the internet for free? It's actually supposed to be for up to about eight-year-olds, apparently, but you know I'm gonna read it anyway. I'm childish and proud of it. Bye!

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