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A/N- My merch arrived today, the flower square hoodie, and then I have the fall in love hoodie coming as well. 

Summary- Corbyn gets tired of always being the second person in Daniels life

Famous: no

-Third Person P.O.V- 

Corbyn frowned as once again he woke up to an empty bed, it used to not be like this. He used to wake up, with Daniels warm arms wrapped tightly around him, keeping him safe from the cold. But then Franny came along. 

Suddenly Daniel would spend as much time with her as he could, leaving Corbyn alone for the whole day, sometimes even through the night as well. Corbyn couldn't stop the fear that maybe Daniel was cheating on him, with Daniel being bisexual, there was that chance. 

Corbyn would always try to talk to Daniel, to try make him see how much he was hurting Corbyn, but Daniel didn't see it. All he saw was him hanging out with a good friend, and Corbyn being jealous. He never seemed to notice that he was never with his boyfriend anymore, but instead always with Franny. He never seemed to notice that he had stopped saying loving words to Corbyn, the love of his life; he had stopped taking Corbyn out on surprise dates. 

Daniel didn't notice, but Corbyn did. And he was getting tired of it, of feeling like he wasn't good enough anymore. 

Every night Daniel would arrive home late, and Corbyn would already be in bed, having cried himself to sleep. Daniel didn't notice the dry tear tracks down his face, or how Corbyn hugged himself tightly trying to feel even a little better. 


"Daniel stop." Corbyn calls out just before Daniel leaves. 

Daniel turns around, a little frustrated about not being able to leave. 

"What?" Daniel asks as he turns around, unable to notice the sadness in his boyfriends eyes, Daniel doesn't notice that he is breaking a promise he swore he would never break. He's hurting Corbyn. 

"Do you even want to be with me anymore." Corbyn whispers, looking at the floor with tears in his eyes. 

Daniel has to take a step back, feeling the shock ricochet through him. Why would Corbyn say that, can't he see Daniel loves him. "Why would you ever say that?" Daniel asks, the clear confusion and hurt being heard loud and clear.

"Because you're never here. You never say you love me, nor do you take me out anywhere. I still remember the time you asked me to be your boyfriend, and you swore to me that you would never hurt me but you did, you keep hurting me and yet you don't notice. It's clear you don't care about me anymore." Corbyn exclaims, every word hitting sense into Daniel. 

He begins to realise everything he's done, he can now clearly see the hurt and sadness in Corbyn's eyes. 

"Corbyn I-"

"No Daniel, you didn't even notice did you even notice what you were doing?" Corbyn sighs, feeling like curling into a ball and sleeping for a long time. 

Daniel looks down in guilt and shakes his head, making Corbyn's eyes fill with tears. "Go to her, it's obvious that you like her more then me. I'm tired of being second best in your life, of having to watch you be away with her for so long, and you never seeming to care about me." Corbyn exclaims, his his voice cracking and wavering in sadness. 

Before Daniel has the chance to reply Corbyn walks upstairs to their room and collapses under the covers, letting the tears fall. 

Daniel watches as tears fall from his eyes, he quickly pulls out his phone, telling Franny he won't be seeing her for a long while. He doesn't care, all he cares about is making sure Corbyn is okay and he knows that Daniel loves him. He never meant for this to happen, he was just too blind to realise it. He would leave everything and everyone if it meant Corbyn was by his side.

With that in mind, he goes up the stairs to where their room is, wanting nothing more then to fix all of this and make Corbyn feel better. He hates that he's made him cry and made him upset. 

"Corbs?" Daniel asks as he knocks on the door. He can hear quiet cries from the room and sniffling and his already shattered heart breaks even more as he hates himself for what he's caused his boyfriend, his world, to go through. 

When there is no answer Daniel opens the door and walks in and sits on the bed. "Please let forgive more Corbs, I know I fucked up, and I am so, so sorry. But you have to believe me, if I had to choose between you or her. Or you or anyone in fact, it'll always be you. It always has been and always will be. I love you so much, you're my whole world. I know I messed up, but I promise she was just my friend, I would never do anything else. It's you I love, it always will be." Daniel pours his heart out. 

Corbyn listens and feels his heart thump at his words, he can tell Daniel is telling the truth, the way his voice cracks and is full of emotion. 

Corbyn turns over and Daniel sees his tear stained face, "promise Dani, promise you won't leave me again like that." Corbyn whispers. 

"I promise C, I swear on my life." Daniel says, meaning every word. 

Corbyn nods and Daniel crawls under the covers, and Corbyn cuddles into his side. "I missed you Dani." Corbyn mumbles, Daniel holds Corbyn a little tighter at his words. 

"I missed you too, and I'm so sorry, I love you." Daniel says, knowing he'll be saying this a lot for a long time. 

"I love you too Dani." Corbyn replies, feeling better while being in Daniels arms. 




A/N- :) 

- M xx

Dorbyn one shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें