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Nothing against Christina by the way, she is amazing.


(I changed it a tiny bit so I'm sorry, but I hope it's still okay)

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(I changed it a tiny bit so I'm sorry, but I hope it's still okay)

Famous: Yeah

-Daniel's P.O.V- 

I smiled as Corbyn walked through the door, he had been out with a friend all day; and only just got back. 

"Hey babe, how was it?" I ask as I pull him into my arms. 

He cuddles into my chest and lets out a small sigh, "It was nice. I missed her." He says, sounding happy. 

I smile, happy that he is happy. "That's good Corbs." I say while kissing his forehead. 

He looks up at me and smiles while saying, "She asked if I wanted to go out tomorrow. I hope you don't mind." 

My heart sinks slightly, as although we do have some time off, I wanted to spend as many of those days with my boyfriend beside me. But I know he also has the right to spend time with others. So instead of saying how I felt I smiled and kissed him while saying, "that's okay Corb." 


It's the second day he has left to go see his friend and I was sat on the sofa looking through my socials when I come across a post that makes my heart stop. 

The account is verified and has a lot of followers as well. 

The post reads- 'Is Corbyn Besson dating Christina Marie Harris. These images could suggest so. But what happened to Daniel?'

Tears brim in my eyes as I see the both of them sat there smiling at eachother, another of them hugging each other, with Christina kissing his cheek. And the last is of them facing away with their hands intertwined. 

You may say I'm overreacting, but I know that Christina has had a crush on Corbyn since forever, and Corbyn is bisexual, so he could actually like her.

With tears streaming down my face I turn my phone off and head upstairs. I was planning on staying awake to see Corbyn, but not anymore. 

I climb into bed and turn away from his side, and shut my eyes as tears fall down my face. 

-Corbyn's P.O.V- 

"Corbyn please." Christina cries, making me roll my eyes and stand away. 

I shake my head saying, "Can you just stop. Wow. How many times do I have to tell you, I don't like you. It will never happen. I love Daniel, it will always be him." 

Today she kept coming on to me, and doing things I didn't want her to do. Sure, I didn't mind hugging her, but then she kissed my cheek, and that made me push her lightly away. Then when we were walking away she suddenly grabbed my hand so tight that I couldn't even remove my hand from hers for a whole minute before I could pry my hand away from her. 

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