New years

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A/N- Happy new years guys, I hope the new year will be better than this one. I love you all

Summary- It's new years eve

Famous: Nah

-Third Person P.O.V-

Corbyn and Daniel were laying under the covers in their bed, the tv playing quietly in the background as they cuddled closely. 

They didn't plan to do anything until later that night, so for now, they decided to stay in bed and cuddle, wanting to make every minute count of their breaks off work and being in each others company.

"I love you C, you know that right." Daniel whispers to the half asleep brunet who is laying on Daniel chest with his head in the crook of his neck. 

Corbyn's arms wrap a little tighter around Daniel as he mumbles something incoherent, but Daniel knows he probably said something along the lines of 'I love you too.'


"DRINK DRINK DRINK." The boys cheer as Corbyn chugs down a bottle of vodka. 

Corbyn, Daniel, Jack, Zach and Jonah were all together celebrating the new year. Corbyn was the most drunk out of them- no surprise as he had just drank close to a whole bottle of vodka. 

He slammed the bottle down and smiled lopsidedly at everyone, it was already 2AM and they were all having fun. Corbyn moves towards Daniel who smiles at the drunk boy, knowing how Corbyn is when he's drunk. 

"Hey babeee." Corbyn slurs while falling into Daniel, his arms around Daniels neck. 

Daniel smiles and holds Corbyn tightly, "hi Corbs, I don't think you should drink anymore okay." Daniel says, making sure Corbyn has no time to argue. 

All Corbyn does is nod, he could tell he was blackout drunk and he knew he had already gone too far, so he decided to listen to Daniel on this. 

"Can I go bed." Corbyn asks while sitting beside Daniel as he is guided over there and laying his head on his shoulder. 

The other boys all come and sit down on the sofa and Jonah says, "why don't we put a movie on and chill." 

Everyone agrees as Corbyn is already out cold while leaning on Daniel. 

"I love you Corbs." Daniel whispers while kissing his forehead. 




A/N- Idek lmao, happy new year guys

- M xx 

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