Lotus Inn

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A/N- What do you guys think of Lotus inn?

Summary- This is the last night Daniel and Corbyn can spend together for a long time, and they never want it to end.

Famous: Yeah

-Third Person P.O.V- 

Daniel and Corbyn had been dating for a year, the only people who knew were the boys and their families. They all supported it and loved it, but when management found out; things took a turn. 

They didn't want the two of them together, afraid that if they break up, it'll tear the band apart. So, they came to a decision. The two of them had to split up on good terms, they weren't allowed to share hotel rooms, or be near each other on tour; and the tour was starting in three days. 

The boys tried to fight against it, but management had made up their mind.


"I don't want to lose you." Corbyn mumbled into Daniels chest. 

It was officially their last night together and the two of them could hardly cope with the pain of having to be seperated.

Daniel wrapped his arms tighter around his boyfriend, feeling his own emotions bubbling under the surface and threatening to boil over. "I don't want to lose you either. But I promise, no matter what, when you need me i'll be there. They can't stop us, I love you so much Corbyn, nothing and no one can change that." Daniel whispers, rubbing Corbyn's back and trying not to cry. 

Corbyn looks up from where his face was buried in Daniels chest, tears have fallen down his face and his eyes are red. "Promise me you'll never stop loving me." Corbyn cried, holding his arms tighter around Daniel. 

Daniels heart broke slightly, knowing it will be a long time until they can hold each other like this again. "I promise Corbs, I swear on everyone's lives, I will forever love you." Daniel urged leaning down and capturing Corbyn's lips with his own.

Corbyn kisses back, allowing all his emotions to be portrayed in the kiss, Daniel doing the exact same. 

They pulled back, still keeping themselves close as Daniel rests his forehead on Corbyn's forehead, both looking into eachothers eyes. 

"Come on Corbs, let's do something." Daniel says, pulling Corbyn with him.


Throughout the whole night they had fun, watching films, cuddling, kissing and so on. 

As they laid in bed, for the last time in a long time, Corbyn looked up at Daniel with tears in his eyes. Trying to remember everything they've done, every detail of Daniel and all the moments they've spent together. 

"I love you so much Daniel." Corbyn whimpered. 

Daniel moved his teary eyed gaze down to the love of his life, a sad smile encasing his face. "I love you too Corbs, no matter what." Daniel vowed. 

"I never want this night to end." Corbyn uttered.




A/N- This is short, but you know. 

- M xx

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