8 Letters

646 17 6

Summary- Daniel thinks of the best way to admit his love to Corbyn.

Famous: Yep. 

-Third Person P.O.V- 

Daniel laid in bed, staring at the ceiling as he thought about the now brunete boy who somehow stole his heart without even knowing. 

Every smile that was admitted from the boy, made Daniel's heart speed up faster than ever and make any bad thought vanish in an instant. 

Everytime Corbyn would hug Daniel, he would never want to let go. The warmth in his stomach would grow and a smile would grow onto his face. 

But what Daniel didn't know, was Corbyn felt the same way. Everytime Corbyn would hug Daniel, he would always hold him a little closer, and a little longer than everyone else. Corbyn would always try to sit as close as he can to him, to be able to know Daniel is beside him and safe. Corbyn just never said anything about how he feels, thinking Daniel doesn't feel the same way. 

Daniel let a sigh release from his lips as he thought of a song he wrote recently. He wrote it about Corbyn, not that he would know that. Everytime they would sing 8 letters, Daniel would look at Corbyn as he sang his part. Some fans had caught on, but Corbyn never had. 

All Daniel wanted was to hold Corbyn close to him as he fell asleep. To be able to kiss him whenever he pleased, and hold his hand wherever they went. To be able to go on dates with each other, for Daniel to be able to spoil him senseless and show how much Daniel loved him. 

With a heavy sigh, Daniel closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, the thoughts of having Corbyn beside him entering his dreams. 


When Daniel got up the next day- rather late as he was tired- he was surprised to only see Corbyn sat down there. 

Corbyn looks up when he sees Daniel, a smile lighting up his face as the younger boy come down the steps, and he can feel butterflies swarm his stomach as Daniels blue eyes shine. 

"Hey Dani." Corbyn says, his voice making Daniel smile even more. 

"Hey Corbs. Where is everyone else?" Daniel questions, seeing as he can't hear nor see anyone in the house. 

Corbyn smiles and says, "they all went out, but I wanted to stay here because you were still asleep, and I didn't want you to be alone when you came down." 

Daniel can't stop the blush that spreads across his face and the feeling of warmth that spreads through his stomach at his words. 

"Thanks Corbs, that's nice of you." Daniel whispers, trying not to breakdown with how happy it's made him. 

Corbyn smiles even brighter- if possible- and replies, "always Dani." 

Daniel sits beside Corbyn and takes a breath, knowing this might make or break everything. 

"Dani, are you okay?" Corbyn asks, seeing the worry on Daniels face as though he is thinking about something. 

"I need to tell you something Corbs." Daniel says, trying to not allow his voice to waver and stop his hands from trembling. 

Corbyn can feel the fear radiate within as he nods, letting Daniel know he can continue. 

"I like you Corbs." Daniel admits, his voice just above a whisper. 

Corbyn smiles and replies, "I like you too Dani." 

Daniel shakes his head quickly, taking another shaky breath. "No Corbyn. I like you more than that." He says, trying to quill the fear in him. 

Corbyn stays quiet, every thought stopping as he looks at the boy he had fallen in love with since the day he met him. Corbyn never believed Daniel would ever feel the same way back, he never believed that he deserved to have Daniel in his life.

When Daniel doesn't reply he can feel the worry increase, all the what if's swarming his head with every second that Corbyn remains silent. 

Before Daniel has any more time to panic Corbyn smiles brighter than he ever has before. "Like I said Dani. I like you too." Corbyn says, trying to contain the excitement in his voice. 

Daniels eyes widen as he looks at Corbyn, "really. You're not just saying that?" Daniel asks. 

Corbyn nods and says, "Dani, I've always liked you. I just thought you didn't like me the way I liked you." 

Before Corbyn can carry on Daniel is crashing their lips together and pulling the brunette close. Corbyn is quick to accept, and both boys know their the one for each other. 




A/N- If you have any requests let me know

- M xx 

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