The big day

474 14 12

Summary- Today is the day Corbyn and Daniel tie the knot

Famous: Yeah

-Third Person P.O.V- 

The internet was blowing up with the news that today, Corbyn Besson, and Daniel Seavey are to get married today. 

All the fans were supporting them, and the odd few that didn't support them were drowned out by all the loving support. 

Corbyn smiled down at his phone at all of the edits coming out of him and Daniel. It made his heart warm and a smile stay on his face. 

He can still remember the day Daniel became his boyfriend. Daniel took his out on a date, then they sat on the beach and Daniel asked him to be his boyfriend. Of course Corbyn said yes, he had liked Daniel since the day he met him, but he was too worried to say anything, thinking maybe Daniel didn't like him back.

Two years later, and they were still together, and stronger than ever. The fans excepted them- and the ones that didn't either left with no hassle, or hated on the pair (when fans saw this though they stuck up for the couple and drove them away). 

Daniel had taken him out for a dinner, and on the way home he took Corbyn to a spot that had lights everywhere, and made Corbyn's heart stutter. A guitar was propped up beside a chair and Daniel went and picked it up. 

Daniel sung Corbyn a song, telling how exactly how he felt about the fake blonde. It made tears fall from his eyes. As the song came to an end, Daniel placed the guitar down and got down on one knee. 

"Corbyn Matthew Besson, the love of my life. Will you marry me." 


-Corbyn's P.O.V-

"Calm down Corbs, it'll be okay." Jonah says, as I look in the mirror for the hundredth time in the past 10 minutes. 

I look in the mirror and see him stood there in his suit. I look at mine and marvel over how much I like it, it's white, and has golden flecks on the cuffs and the waistcoat underneath. There is then a white rose sat in the front pocket, with alternate gold petals to white. 

"But- but what if he is having second thoughts. And maybe- maybe he doesn't want to marry me anymore." I stutter out, the worry consuming me. 

He sends me a sympathetic smile as he says, "Corbyn, have you seen the way he looks at you. You might not notice it, but me and the other two do. He loves you with his whole heart, and I know as a fact he doesn't regret anything." 

I smile at Jonah, feeling a little better about it now. 

Jonah was with me, while Jack and Zach were with Daniel. 

"Thanks Jo." I reply, smiling at him. 

Just then my parents walk in with Jordan and Ashley. 


"You ready?" My dad asks, a smile on his face. 

Mum, Jordan, and ashley had gone in, and now it was just dad, Jonah and I. 

I look at Jonah who sends me a reassuring smile and nod, making me feel positive about all of this. 

I nod and my dad hooks his arm with mine and we begin to walk to the altar, with Jonah in front of us to be at the front with Zach and Jack as well. 

As soon as I look down the end of the isle and I see Daniel I start to tear up. He is wearing the same suit as mine, his hair looks perfect and his eyes shine brightly. 

He smiles brightly when he sees me and I can see tears falling down his face. Behind him stand Zach, Jack and Jonah, and I see them all smiling widely, with tears also in their eyes. Both our parents look between us with smiles on their faces and I can see my mum with a tissue in her hand wiping away all the tears. 

My dad lets go of my arm once I reach Daniel and I hug my dad before I go to him. 

"Hey Dani." I whisper, a tear falling down my face.

He wipes away the tear and says, "Hey Corbs." 




A/N- This one made me feel all warm inside

- M xx 

Dorbyn one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora