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A/N- idk what I'm doing and I have no time so I'm sorry.

Summary- Daniel loses the most important thing in his life.

Famous: no

-Third Person P.O.V-

"I'm sorry Mr Seavey, but Corbyn Corbyn didn't pull through" the doctor speaks with remorse.

Those words.

The words no one ever wanted to hear, especially not Daniel.

One moment Corbyn was there and the next he was gone.

"You're lying, you have to be. I just- I just spoke to him." Daniel whispers, tears gathering in his eyes as the doctors words sink in.

The doctor looks down in sadness, feeling remorse and guilt for not being able to save the young man who was rushed into the emergency room not long ago.

Corbyn had been walking home, having been on the phone to Daniel for most the time. Then he said goodbye, they just didn't know it would be forever. Corbyn had crossed the road, the little man being green and no cars to be seen. But a car came speeding around the corner, unable to stop in time and hitting Corbyn.

"I truly am sorry Mr Seavey, we did everything we could; but by the time he got here, it was too late." The doctor sadly informs.

Daniel shakes his head, falling against the fall and sliding down it. Corbyn couldn't be gone, could he really be dead.

The others were already on their way, thankfully Daniel had called them before he was informed the news; as he knew now he wouldn't be able to call them, feeling his world crashing down around him.

The doctor left, deciding to give Daniel time and not wanting to bombard him with too much after what he's just been told.

"Daniel, is that you?" Jonah says, approaching the sobbing man in the corner of the family room. Zach and Jack were behind Jonah, both tears in their eyes at seeing Daniel so sad.

Daniel looks up the tears spilling down his face, making the other three begin to fear what had happened.

"Is Corbyn okay?" Zach asks, stepping forward.

Hearing his name makes Daniel cry even more while shaking his head. Fear races through everyone's mind, wondering why Daniel is so sad.

Corbyn has to be okay.

He has to be.

"He- he's gone." Daniel cries, making everyone flinch in shock.

"Don't mess with us Daniel." Jack laughs nervously, tears already springing to their eyes.

Daniel just cries harder while shaking his head, indicating he really wasn't joking.

Zach collapses into Jack, sobs ripping through their throats at the thought of not having their best friend in their lives anymore.

Jonah is quick to rush forward pulling the blonde into his arms as they both cry.

Corbyn really was gone.


"I love you Corbyn" Daniel whispers, anxious as to what the brunette would say.

Corbyn smiles feeling the same amount of love.

"I love you too Dani." Corbyn whispers back.


"I love you Corbs." Daniel whispers, tears falling and rain dropping dismally from the sky.

Daniel knew Corbyn wouldn't reply, but he hoped he was watching over him and seeing how much Daniel still loved him.

"I love you too Dani, I always will." Corbyn whispers, phantom tears falling from his eyes as he watches his loved, promising to always look over him until he can join him in the afterlife.




A/N- Sorry it's so sad.

- M xx

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