Car radio

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Summary- Daniel finds Corbyn sat in his car alone with tears streaming down his face.

T.W-I guess depression, if you've heard car radio by top, then you would know what I mean.

Famous: Nah

-Third Person P.O.V- 

Corbyn let out a pitiful sigh as he looked at the darkening sky, his thoughts following in the footsteps as slowly but surely his thoughts turn dark and venomous.  

A single tear slides down his face as the silence creeps in around him, intensifying his thoughts and making everything feel wrong; out of place.

He sat in the car with it off,  not knowing what to do. He had arrived home nearly an hour ago, and yet whenever he thought about leaving to go inside, his body would freeze and a wave of thoughts would consume him and pull him down. 

With every passing minute the car grew colder and colder, he could start to see his breath with every exhale that were released from his burning lungs. They weren't physically burning, but mentally they were. It was like with every breath his mind screamed, his lungs restricted and his throat closed up slightly. 

As the one tear fell, more soon joined. Corbyn was unable now to stop the tears, as his thoughts ran wild in his mind. He laid his head on the steering wheel as the tears continued to stream down his face silently. 


Daniel frowned as he looked at the time, Corbyn should have been home an hour ago yet he still isn't. Daniel had tried calling him and texting him yet he got no reply. 

He felt fear and worry creep into his bones, all the what ifs suddenly springing to the forefront of his mind. 

He climbed out of their bed and looked out the window, frowning even deeper when he saw Corbyn's car parked out there. 

Daniel rushed down the stairs and put his shoes on before going outside. 

Once he got close enough he could see Corbyn with his head on the steering wheel, and his shoulders shaking slightly. 

He felt his heart shatter, knowing the love of his life was out here alone and crying. 

He lightly tapped on the window, Corbyn flinched slightly and lifted his head off the steering wheel and looks out the window seeing Daniel stood there with teary eyes. 

Corbyn opened the door and looked up at his boyfriend, with tears still falling down his face.

"Come here babe." Daniel whispers while opening his arms to allow Corbyn to hug him. 

Without a second thought Corbyn rushes out of the car and into the awaiting arms of Daniel. He feels the thoughts being pushed away as he focuses all his attention on Daniel and his warmth. Tears soaked Daniels shoulder, and he held Corbyn even tighter. 

"It's alright Corbs, I got you." Daniel whispers while kissing the side of Corbyn's head. Daniel knows sometimes Corbyn's thoughts become too much, and sometimes he has a breakdown when it all becomes too much. 

Daniel lightly taps Corbyn's thigh, indicating for him to jump and allow Daniel to hold him. Corbyn jumps and wraps his legs around Daniels waist, while his arms go other his shoulders and he buries his head back into Daniels neck. 

"Thank you Dani. I love you." Corbyn whispers, it being slightly muffled from where his head is pressed into Daniels neck, but Daniel still hears it and smiles while replying, "always Corbs. I love you too." 

Daniel shuts the car door and locks it, Corbyn still held tight against him as he begins to walk back to their house. 

As soon as he gets in he helps Corbyn take his shoes off and then picks him back up and carries him to their bed.

"How about I order some food and we can cuddle and watch a film yeah?" Daniel asks as he lays Corbyn down. 

Corbyn nods and buries himself into the blankets, Daniel is quick to join him under the covers and pulls Corbyn close to him. 

"I love you Dani." Corbyn whispers. 

"I love you too Corbs." Daniel whispers back. 




A/N- :) 

- M xx

Dorbyn one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora