Chris was frustrated, "There's a maniac, he was... and there was... There was a saw and it was either Ash or Josh, I didn't know what to do!"

"Oh... Oh god!" Ashley let out a sob. Lucy had to look at the ground as Chris continued to speak.

"Cut right through him and- spilling out fucking everywhere."

Emily took a panicked step backwards, looking paler than she was before, "What?! Oh my god... Chris what?!"

"Is he... Is he in there right now?" Lucy asked Chris who nodded at her, watching as she stumbled back a little. She was struggling to keep a coherent thought in her head.

Matt caught Lucy as she appeared to be falling over, "We're going to figure this out guys, alright?" Matt tried to reassure the group.

Chris started to mumble to himself, "I don't know..."

Emily tried to pull Matt away from the group, "Matt, we need to go get help, now!"

"Em, we should look for the others," Matt said to her, clearly worried. 

"Lucy said Mike was in the mines, and who knows where Sam is," Emily tried to pull him away once again.

"I think she's in the lodge," Chris pointed towards the building. Lucy nodded in agreement, recalling that Sam was going upstairs for a bath earlier.

Emily let out a huff, "Fine, fine... You're right! Get everyone else together, but if there's a maniac running around I think we need to get some help too, right? Not just wait around?"

"But what about..." Matt tried to speak.

"Why are we still talking about this, let's go!" 

Lucy watched as Emily and Matt ran off, she stood there with Chris and Ashley, she wasn't sure what she was going to do, all she knew was that Sam and Mike were out there alone. If there was a maniac, it was possible he found his way into the lodge and was going after Sam. "Come on, we need to get to Sam," They all ran towards the lodge. It was dark inside, it was like no one had even been there. It was quiet and eerie. 

Chris ran up towards the bathroom where Sam was last known to be, but, shortly returned back to the girls when he had no luck finding her, "She wasn't up there?" Ashley questioned him.

"I don't know, I didn't see her... She must have come down here," Chris said to them.

"We haven't seen her either," Lucy mentioned and Ashely nodded in agreement. 

The three of them searched the lodge, looking for any sign of Sam, Ashley walked past a candle, as she did this, it lit by itself, she let out a gasp, "Did that happen?" She asked. 

Lucy turned and looked at the newly lit candle, then at Ashley, "What- what's going on around here?" 

Chris led them to the cinema room, they all were shouting for Sam as they walked in. Ashley quickly stopped in her tracks, "Chris..." She said softly. 

"What?" He looked over at her.

"Chris, I just wanted to say- what happened back there in the shed... I know it was hard... Josh was your friend..." 

Lucy stopped looking around, looking down at her feet, she listened to the pair speak to one another, she felt the dread. It still hadn't hit her that Josh was really dead. She didn't really have a moment to stop and think about it. It was haunting to even think about it. "Ashley, stop it," Chris whispered to her.

"No, I want to say, I mean, thank you for saving my life."

Lucy looked up from the ground and back at Chris and Ashley, she blinked tears from her eyes, Chris just shrugged his shoulders, "What was I gonna do? I couldn't let anything happen to you, I couldn't-"

"Can we try to find Sam?" Lucy cut him off, she didn't want to hear any more about Josh's death. It was dragging her down mentally at the moment, a lot more than how injured she was. 

Chris nodded, "Right, we're finding Sam," He was getting his mind back in the right place. 

The group left the cinema room and the door flew closed behind them, Lucy jumped forward and Ashley let out a shout, "What the heck!" 

Lucy went towards a guest room, she tired to pull the door open, it opened slightly but it slammed closed, "This- this is so fucked up," Lucy said as the doorknob left her fingers. 

As they kept their search going, a door opened by itself in the hall near Ashley, her scream caused Lucy to turn around quickly, Ashley pointed at the door, "Did you see that?" Ashley asked the others. 

"See- see what?" Lucy stepped towards her, Ashely seemed really shaken up.


"And what would 'that' be?" 

"It was like- a- a see through shape, like a ghost!" 

Chris walked over, letting out a small chuckle, obviously not convinced, "Oh, boy," He wasn't convinced, Lucy was just clearly confused. 

Ashley turned to face them, trying to keep pushing her point, "I'm serious, guys... Why don't you believe me? I said I saw it, doesn't that count for something?" 

Lucy let out a small sigh, shrugging her shoulders, "We've all been through some shit tonight, Ash... Your mind is probably just all over the place, I don't even trust what I'm seeing..." 

"No, you are wrong, I saw it, I am sure!" 

Chris put his hands up, "Alright, maybe it- maybe you did see something."

The three of them eventually took their search downstairs, that was the only logical place left where Sam could be. None of them would be prepared for what was coming when they got down in there, however. 

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