I could tell it had been walked on earlier, but other than that it seemed to be a natural trail. One deer would take to take a drink or escape a hunter quicker. The water came into view. The small pond glistened against the morning sun. I walked to the side of the water, not wanting to be seen. I took off my shirt and quickly changed into shorts. I waded waist-deep in the water. The water was cold against my recently warm body. 

I held my breath as I submerged my whole body in the water. I instantly pulled up, exhaling loudly. My breath shivered slightly from the cold water. I tried again, being able to finally stay under for a few moments. This time I stayed above the water, rubbing my face slightly. I reached over to the shore, grabbing the shampoo. 




I smiled, cleaning up the little mess breakfast had made. I hummed to the music, after Karl had gone I turned the truck's radio on. I placed my dirty plate in the fire, placing the eggs and bacon back in the cooler. I used a hot pan to pull the pan off the grates, somehow I still managed to burn my hand. 

"Mother fu-" I groaned loudly as I shook my handoff. I breathed in sharply, shoving my hand into the cooler. The condensation caused me to audibly gasp. The water making contact with my skin. I sat down next to the cooler, leaving my hand against the ice. The upbeat song didn't necessarily keep the angry feeling inside me for too long. Music always seemed to have that effect. 

After a few moments, I noticed Karl returning. He threw a quick smile at me, but it quickly faded when he saw my position. I immediately stood up placing my hand behind my back. He rolled his eyes at me, placing his stuff into the back. He placed the bag of shower supplies on the third wooden log I had placed around the campfire. 

He walked up to me and I smiled slightly. He was about my height, seemingly eye level with me. He reached for my forearm, pulling my hand so he could look at it. "Sapnap what happened?"

I looked into the skyline breathing deeply. I don't know why him responding like this made me feel so weird. I guess it made me feel as if I had messed up. I looked back at him, gazing into his brown eyes. They were covered in sunlight, now a slight honey color. There was also a slight grey tone around the pupil. 

"I was trying to move the pan and I guess it was too hot, or I was holding it too long, but my hand got burnt. It's really nothing just a small burn, I'm okay," I told him, pulling away from his gaze. He motioned for me to sit down. He reached into his bag pulling out a rather large trauma bag. 

"Well first thing, don't grab hot pans, secondly, this is a second-degree burn so it's not nothing," he knelt in front of me and began to take care of my hand. He applied burn cream, I inhaled sharply, closing my eyes tight. He wrapped it in gauze, placing a small metal clasp to keep in on. 

"Than-" The radio began to play a song, Karl's eyes slightly lit up as if he knew it. "Dance with me." I held out my uninjured hand. Karl's eyes widened for a moment before he nervously grabbed my hand. 

I pulled him over to me slightly, closing my eyes. It took a moment but I felt his body relax as he became more comfortable with the movements. I opened my eyes after a moment, listening to the lyrics. They felt special, different than they ever did before. 

Oh baby I am a wreck when I'm without you

I need you here to stay

I broke all my bones that day I found you, crying at the lake

I looked at Karl, a smile plastered on his lips,  his eyes were closed. He seemed to be breathing in the music as if it was the only thing in the world. This moment, right now, was the only this that mattered. I couldn't agree more. 

My feelings for the boy had just grown further. Right now was one of the safest moments, holding him in my arms, swaying back and forth. The cool breeze blowing through his wet hair. I could finally see the slight freckles that danced on his face. 

The wind is a-pounding on my back

and I found hope in a heart attack

Oh, at last, it has past

Now I've got it and you can't have it

Karl opened his eyes, face bright red. He looked down at our intertwined hands, his face somehow becoming a deeper shade of red. He giggled slightly looking up towards the sky. It was about 2 pm now. The sun was positioned at the top of the sky, slightly to the side. It cast this ethereal glow on the area, making it seem so much more special. I shifted one of my hands to his waist. His eyes widened, and his smile grew bigger. 

Our gaze stayed locked for a moment, neither one of us daring to break eye contact. I slowly blinked, taking a deep breath. The woodland air mixed with the smoke from the campfire, along with the slight smell of pond water. The crackling of the fire could barely be heard over the tune of the music. I closed my eyes tilting my head back slightly and to the side, mouthing the words slightly.

Guess there is something, and there is nothing

There is nothing in between

And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer

Watching over me, he's singing

"She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy"

He's singing, "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without a hook"

I sang over the last few lines, changing she's to he's. I hadn't even realized I'd done it till the chorus began to play again. I felt my face heat up lightly as the song came to an end. I realized Karl and my body were still flush against one another. Except we didn't pull away. We just stood ever so close. 

I got distracted by distant growling. I turned to see a wolf, eyeing us up from inside the first wall. I pushed Karl into the truck, grabbing a gun. I winced as my burn held against the grip. I breathed deeply before taking a shot. I intentionally missed, scaring away the creature. Almost as if my adrenaline dropped, I let go of the gun. I fell to my knees remembering what happened at the cabin. 

I guess it finally sunk on that I don't think my parents got out alive.



I wrote this listening to the Dark Academia playlist on youtube while it rained outside. It was literally perfection. I may even squeeze out another few chapters tonight. Also, You should totally vote and follow me... 

I swear I'm nice!!!


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