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wassup thots and hots. welcome to my book!!! So yet again here are the ground rules.

1. We Simp RESPECTFULLY and that is mandatory you will be attacked otherwise

2. I am not shipping Karl and NIck more as their in game personas

3. I will be using the name Nick and Sapnap for the sake of story writing.

4. all of my chapter will be 900+ words.

5. If I post an Authors Note I will title it as so and post an actual chapter afterwards.

6. If Sapnap, Karl, or any other CC finds this I will probably kms (Not actually tho)

7. No smut... it wouldn't make sense in the story and Karl has come out on the spectrum of Asexuality so it's only respectful.

8. I am quite sensitive so be nice, but I do take constructive criticism.

9. TrashyxWizard... forever

10. hi

Now this book does contain gore, depression, anxiety, self harm, death.

A lot of stuff that could trigger someone. If you ever need to talk please DM me I am available all day and most of the time at night. I will talk as long as you need :)

You calmed the Chaos (Sapnap x Karl)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt