Day 7 (Pt 3)

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 quick thing bf I start. can anyone leave tips about how to calm yourself down while having a panic attack? Or just words of encouragement. okay now let's begin




I've been trapped. For years I've been stuck in the same cycle. Because where I live I am only allowed to do around 5 things. All of which is just necessary to keep me alive. The only thing not keeping me from fleeing is the books. Stacked high and low I was surrounded by research books, Fantasy, Mystery, anything. 

Now? Now, I am trapped again. Though I am in the outside world, finally with my brother. I have to decide the fate of his little boyfriend. It sounds silly, but it's far from it. It's more of an inner conflict than 'deciding his fate.' 

He's infected. It's more than obvious. The black blood caked around his wounds. The way he shook my hand with a firm grasp that felt colder than it should've. How I could see grey outlining his eyes. How sometimes they'd almost turn red. The way he'd squeeze his eyes shut and his posture and behavior changed on a dime. He looked exhausted. Now I'm stuck.

Do I leave him here? No, he'd die and I'd force my brother to live the rest of his life blaming himself. Do I bring him? It seemed the only option. I know they could help him. It was his only chance. He'd be stuck though. Alive, but trapped. Living life on an endless cycle. Eat, bathe, walk, read, and cry. Not to mention brother couldn't go with us. He'd be a liability, a danger of some sort. 

"Lexi... Lexi?" I snap out of my trance. Brother is standing next to me, his eyes scared. I notice his hands shaking lightly on my shoulders. I follow his gaze to Karl. His posture is straight and his head held high. His eyes glow a light fire red. He cocks his head to the side letting out a low laugh. 

"Shit..." I curse under my breath. The creature has taken ahold of him more than we thought. I should've known, I should've come out of the shadows sooner. I quickly stand looking down on Karl, well, it's not Karl right now. 

"Something to distract him. Anything, this isn't Karl," My voice stern, but quavering with worry. Brother's eyes dart from me to Karl. He starts sputtering incoherent nonsense. "Just think." 

I peel my eyes away from him to look back at Karl. He was standing now, looking down on me. I keep my gaze, hiding any signs of fear. He looks down on me and laughs. Not his usual giggle, but a deep rough laugh. I feel it ripple through my chest, fire spreading through my soul. Yet I remain still and emotionless. It can't win, not now. Not this time. 

He leans down lightly picking up a small knife off of the wooden log. My heartbeat rises lightly. As he takes a step towards me. Instinctively I walk back, though all signs of intimidation say to stay put I can not. My back hits a tree with a thud. Karl moves mere inches away from my face. The cold steel of the knife blade finds its way on my neck. The tip of the blade resting on my vein. 

He chuckles to himself. "He was weak, as for you..." He cackles again moving to make eye contact with me. "It was never mea-." 

A quiet tempo plays, barely loud enough over our heavy breathing. Though it was quiet it seemed a distraction enough for Karl. His eyes flickered back to gray for a few seconds. They were scared, nervous. The knife dropped and he turned, looking towards Brother. I ran over to the truck, my hand lightly on my neck. Karl's eyes rapidly switching colors. 

"It's our song Karl, "Brother's voice quivers lightly. He reaches a tentative hand over toward Karl. Karl looks down at the hand, His eyes shift to red and he scoffs. Brother's hands fall to his side for a moment. He reaches his hand out again, this time grabbing Karl's. The creature struggles for a moment, face wrought with disgust. 

A tear streams down Brother's face as he sings lightly, pulling Karl close.

"Oh, all m-my emotions feel like explosions when you are around," 

His voice cracks as he holds a struggling Karl against him. 

"And I've found a way to kill the sounds, oh."

Karl's body begins to rest, his eyes slowly weakening in color. 

"Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you, I need you here to stay."

Brothers eyes are closed as a silent tear falls down his face. Karl's gentle hand reaches up and wipes the tear away. His body shaking from fatigue. Brother catches him before he collapses, placing him lightly on the ground. He presses a sweet kiss on his forehead before walking over to me. 

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks his voice laced with concern. I think over my response. It's not the first time I've been face to face with one of these foul creatures. I wasn't physically hurt, but the way he looked at me. The way I could see the 'real' Karl fighting for dominance, trying to stop what was happening. He was conscious the whole time. Almost like he was having an out of body experience or a dream. It felt so unfair, this wasn't fair to Karl. 

"Y-ya I'm I'm fine. ya," I manage to stutter out. "He needs help..." 

"I know." That was all he said. He looked down at Karl, breathing deeply. He looked back at me with eyes full of sorrow. "I-I just want him back ya know. He's all I got. We both don't have a family anymore. He's all I got."

I pulled him into a light hug. I had decided. 


Tomorrow I would tell them my plan. The whole thing. 


Heyo. It's me... Ya boi.... Skinny Peni- Some angst for y'all...

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