Day 11

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The pavement felt cold against my cheek. I was curled in the corner of a cell, or whatever I was being held in. A small window was perched against the wall, sunlight gazing in and laying against the stone floor. I tried reaching out to touch the small rays. Hoping to feel some type of warmth. As my hand made contact with the light I felt a sharp pain shoot through my arm. With a slight hiss I pulled back, sitting against the wall.

"I see you're up, here," A voice called from next to the cell. With his boot he pushed a small paper plate of chicken nuggets towards me. I reached out tentatively, grabbing the plate. I could feel his gaze as I slowly ate. The nuggets were bland. Like the ones those rich mothers would give their kids when they wanted to be semi healthy. 

My arms were weak, I could see my veins as they pushed black venomous blood through my fragile body. with each small bite of chicken I could feel my body begin to reject it's state. I felt cold, fever cold. The man just laughed, his voice was dark. I hadn't realized he was in the cell. Nor did I notice the two other men behind him. 

I barely had time to react when they grabbed my arms. I struggled under their grasp as they drug me through the halls. My knees scraped against the floor. My eyes watered as I fought to stay up, I couldn't keep up with their pace. I was weak, too weak. He took all of my strength. Anytime he'd front all my energy would go to him. Like a vermon. 

I was placed into a small room, chained to a chair in the center. Looked like a chair they'd use at the dentists office. Smelled like it too. The room was dark, one small light hung above me. Sunlight skimmed the edge of the chair. Just barely missing my skin. 

The man from before walked in, staring towards me. He smirked before walking close. He pulled a small vile out of his pocket along with a syringe.

3rd person

"No," a voice spat from Karl. The man stopped looking towards the boy. His hoodie was faded and dirty. The colors were bleached from the sunlight and stained with a mixture of red and black blood. His pants had holes litered everywhere. The most worrying however was his skin. Whiter than a sheet of paper, his veins, now pulsing black, were ugly and large. 

The man spoke under his breath, muttering about how time was running out. Lexi walked in. Her face fell as she saw the boy in the chair. He wasn't Karl currently. His eyes were red and it seemed as if his body was being taken over. 

"Do something Kyle please," Her voice cracked as she spoke. Kyle rolled him eyes pulling the liquid out  of the vile and into the syringe. The needle was long and thick. As kyle approached Karl, Karl screeched. his eyes shining redder and his heartrate was speeding up. He trashed in the chair spitting black spit towards the man. 

Kyle took a deep breath before stabbing Karl's thigh with the needle. slowly pushing the med. Karl froze his face turning a slight red before he yelled. 

Karl's pov

The pain churned through my body, I could feel the blood bubble in my throat. My eyes watered as I coughed up the blood. My chest tightened as i threw my head against the back of the chair. My soul felt as if it was being ripped out. pins and needles through my whole body. The tingling hurt, like tv static. The smell of rotting bodies filled my senses. 

With one last yell I felt my body go limp, so weak I couldn't move. My eyes felt heavy. I could feel the blood still on my lips as it dripped onto my lap. My hands and legs twitched as my muscles relaxed. My hair flopped against my forehead it was oily and drenched in sweat. 

Kyle and Lexi were arguing. Something about setting up a room for me. I was too weak the pay attention. My body slowly started to hurt against the chains. The handcuffs had dug into my wrists leaving large welts. My legs were stiff and bloody. I hated blood, even more now. I felt Lexi's hand touch my wrist. She rubbed a finger over my veins, their color was finally seeping back to a blueish color. She carefully unlocked my handcuffs, rubbing my wrists as she helped my stand. 

My legs gave out under my weight, Lexi caught me helping me up again. She pulled my arm over her shoulders, holding my body weight as she lead me through the halls. The walls were brighter now, decorated lightly with pictures of the family and landscapes. She lead me to another room. This one was lightly furnished with a small twin sized bed. A closet and a desk. She  set me on the bed. 

"Sleep, it'll help, promise." Her voice was smooth like honey. I was too tired to protest, I slowly shifted under the covers. I closed my eyes, humming as i fell asleep. 


Me, updating. Yep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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