As we got changed and ready for bed, my father set up a laptop with a movie and whipped out a bag of popcorn he must've bought before or along the way. He grinned at me. "Movie night. Let's have fun with this trip, Sades, don't know when we'll see you after this."

My dad was right, though I would've agreed to the movie night anyways. I loved movie nights with my parents and with Jasper here now, it was perfectly complete.

I laid next to Jasper as the movie began. It was Jurassic Park. When I glanced at my dad, he only shrugged his shoulders in response. "I plan on going to Universal Studios while I'm here and I'd like to prepare myself with one of my, and your, favorite movies."

He was right. I did love this movie. And it would get us in the mood to go to the parks in a few days. I wasn't going to deny him this.

Jasper became my pillow as the movie went on. They had just arrived at the island when my eyes drooped shut. I didn't remember the rest of the movie.

The next morning came and awoke me with the brightest rays of sunshine I'd ever experienced. My back was to Jasper, so I was getting the full effect of the sun. I shielded my eyes by rolling over and snuggling into Jasper's chest.

He laughed so I knew he was awake. "Did you sleep well?"

A hum. "Yes, and I'm glad to say it seemed you did as well, Sades. You needed that sleep; you barely saw the movie."

"They made it to the island, that's the last I remember."

"That's not far at all."

"I was tired."

"Nice excuse."

"Oh, be nice."

"Morning, lovebirds!" I peeked past Jasper's shoulder and saw my parents at the kitchen island, coffee cups in hand. "About time you woke up, Sadie. Poor Jasper's been waiting on you to wake up so he could get up."

I sat up. "He could've gotten up at any point."

"Lies!" Jasper exclaimed. "I tried, Sadie. Even with you facing the other way, if I moved even an inch, you'd growl at me and I don't mean a tiny little sound, I mean a growl like a lion. I couldn't move, I was afraid you'd kill me."

Jasper stood and helped me up in the same movement. I guess I wasn't the easiest person to share a bed with. "Sorry about that."

"Are you really though?"

I had to think about it, it had been the best sleep I'd gotten in a long time. My body knew it too. Perhaps it thought that if Jasper left me alone, the sleep just wouldn't be as good and as recharging as it was. If that's what it took for me to get a good night's sleep, maybe I wasn't sorry about it after all.

To answer Jasper truthfully, I shook my head.

He wasn't surprised by my change in answer. Instead, now that I was awake and not growling at him, he left to go to the bathroom.

My father showcased a box of donuts. "Went out to get them a little while ago. Take your pick, Sadie-girl, we've got a day of unloading ahead of us. And since you were the first to fall asleep and last to wake up, you get to bring in the first box."

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